Author Topic: New Book, Just for Fun. The story of the development of The Senior Dragster  (Read 5512 times)

Offline Dolmetsch

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  • Your Best Time: dont bother with times anyome (last 4 years) just
  • Your Engine: 225 slant six Dodge . 246 cubes on 94 octane
  • Your Track: Picton Airfield
  • Your Vehicle: The Senior Dragster
I have been a writer for many years so this comes sort of natural. Since my retirement from wheeling the Sr Dragster several people have asked if I was going to write a book about it. This week my wife spoke to me seriously and pressured me a bit as well. And so I have begun to write.
The book will be called JUST FOR FUN with the sub-title The Story of the Development of the Senior Dragster. I have finished the front cover design and have written the first chapter or forward for it. What will happen with it and who will publish it I don't know yet but here goes. My other two books (Old Reliable and Return To Deutschland) did well so we shall see.
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline denverflatheader

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Don - no time like the present to write down and document while it's fresh in your mind.  Kudos to your wife for help pushing you on course.  Your writing style enjoyable : )  Alan

Offline Dolmetsch

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  • Your Best Time: dont bother with times anyome (last 4 years) just
  • Your Engine: 225 slant six Dodge . 246 cubes on 94 octane
  • Your Track: Picton Airfield
  • Your Vehicle: The Senior Dragster
Thank you.
I am in several chapters now. Had a phone call from OTTAWA tues night also suggesting I do it and the fellow had no idea I was into it already.
I have Roland Osborne of Chrysler Power magazine,  the Hemi Owners Assoc and CPPA to thank for my writing. It was he who first started me writing tech and such and he who got me to publish the first book (which is still selling BTW. shipped one out just yesterday) All started when I wrote a letter of rebuttal to something I read. He put pics with it and published it as an article then kept asking for more. Without his shove I would never have even tried. I dint know!!!!! Still do a bit for him now and then.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 08:41:03 AM by Dolmetsch »
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!