2019 NHRA Rulebook and 2019 HRHS Rulebook General Regulations
All cars without floors must be equipped with floor pans made of steel or aluminum that must extend the full length and width of the driver compartment to the rear of the driver’s seat. Cars equipped with floors or belly pans made of fiberglass or other breakable material must have metal subfloors. In all cars with OEM fiberglass floors, a crossmember (minimum 2 inches x 2 inches, .083-inch wall thickness square tubing) must be installed between framerails for proper driver’s seat, seat belt, shoulder harness, and crotch strap installation. Belly pans and subfloors enclosing engine or driver compartment must contain suitable drain holes so that liquids and foreign matter cannot collect, thus creating a fire hazard. Minimum .032-inch aluminum or .024-inch steel. In certain instances, an NHRA-accepted panel made of composite material may be substituted for steel or aluminum. Contact the NHRA Technical Services Department for list of accepted composite panels. Use of magnesium prohibited.