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Messages - Van

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Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Just for fun little guy FED combos
« on: January 19, 2015, 08:12:08 PM »
In stock form Mopars ruled the streets I agree I have been Mopar only racer for over 30 years then...I got a 355 SBC
Photo attached is of 440 I am finishing up this wk end --Harland Sharp is one of the only rocker kits that can stand roller spring pressure on a Mopar--my dealer costs over $700  Compare to Scorpion rockers made in USA that will handle up to 800 lb open SBC foe dealer cost of around $220
That is the thing I am talking about
Same with aluminum heads--This 440 will be a nice unit and run stinking fast but the price of every piece in it is near double triple compared to SBC--
I love anything that runs good --I build them all but if you want a real race Mopar then be prepared to pay the "Mopar Tax"  :)

 I could not disagree more. The TAX you paid is because of the parts you selected by choice. Any big block motor can easily best a SBC on cost when the power level is set at 600 or more HP. I also build motors for a living, I know very well the SBC at below 400 HP is no cheaper to build than say a SBF  I build both every day. Anyone building a big block for drag race only is wanting at least 600 HP. To build a SBC at 600 HP you had better find a load of used parts or you won't even be close in cost. The cheap SBC goes away fast when reality sets in.

Wanted to sell / Re: parts
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:33:24 PM »
Last year I needed to ship 2 full  1301 non cert bottles, I put them in the boxes the new ones came in. UPS refused to ship them, they said they only will ship them when shipped by a UPS certified & trained to ship hazards Co. So I called D&J and they said yes that is UPS new policy. They shipped them for me, Thanks D&J. I also found this info on UPS website.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Seat Buckets / Pans
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:40:45 AM »
You could do a pour in expanding foam liner, the kits are for just this type of fix.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: transmission mount
« on: October 06, 2014, 08:44:15 AM »
Interesting thread. I always ran a mount but never solid. At the very least two layers of tire tue rubber under the trans pad with the bolts in and loctited or captured but not super tight however I ran torkflights which are in most cases long transmissions compared to a PG. I had one friend , engine customer, who said I was nuts and is constantly having to weld or replace his trans case because of severe cracking. Usually every season.

   This is how I have always done it . A soft pad under the trans mounting pad - never cinched down. I also make my mount as a bipod with small tube and a plate on top, this is never welded to the frame, just hose clamped to the frame. I have never broke anything or wiped a bushing.

Wanted to buy / Re: Blower for SBC
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:15:14 PM »
I have everything needed. I have 3  671's all just built by Moneyham, a new blower manifold, everything is full polished, I even have a new 3.750 stroke crank with a Hemi snout & I have the blower hub. If you are seriously looking call me, just PM me & I will send my PH # Also I have a large selection of 1/2 pitch pulleys & belts. Idlers too.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Front End Designs / traction issues
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:04:32 AM »
I have had 3 cars that were fixed that way, One Frank (the old man) RCS did - another Dave CCE did & I did the last one myself. Never regreted doing any of them that way. I do understand what's involved, thats what I enjoy doing.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Front End Designs / traction issues
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:41:56 PM »
Just my thoughts, I would cut the car behind the motor plate & add enough to put the motor at 48 -50 out. Moving the motor will help fix a few issues with the launch & add wheelbase to a short car. There are a lot of places to drop pounds off a dragster without going to a mag.

Your Builds / Photo Gallery / Re: Pics of FED I'm picking up Sunday
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:07:32 PM »
Jeff  I have a Hilborn blower injector that was shipped to Youngstown Ohio. by Hilborn records, to a Jacks Custom Auto, For a Chrysler on Nitro.  1964.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: FNG here from Central Illinois.
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:54:18 PM »
Hi Mike & welcome   FED's are a lot of fun, when you build or buy it post it on the forum.  With luck you will grow out of the "put a Chevy in everything" mode, if not you will still fit in here just fine.

I have an old Hilborn Injector that traces to Jacks Custom Auto in Youngstown Ohio in 1964  The Hilborn recept says Chrysler on Nitro. Anybody know who this was ?

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Engine oil recycle / Tire recommedation
« on: July 28, 2014, 05:01:01 PM »
I don't call my drain oil used, I call it experienced oil.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Engine oil recycle / Tire recommedation
« on: July 27, 2014, 07:03:49 PM »
I always reuse my oil, but a little different. I run alky & nitro, I take my drain oil and pour it into a 55 gal drum & let it get near 3/4 full. I have a drain on the bottom & after 4 months, I drain out the nitro & alky. I set my pump about 4" from the bottom & pump out the oil & run it through a simple paint strainer & reuse it. I never reuse oil if the filter has metal in it. I think that if reusing oil after less that 5 min. run time is bad, I shouldn't have put it in the motor to begin with.

Altereds / Re: 1980-1990 Fuel Altereds and Transformers
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:23:24 PM »
I think he posted that he needed that info 15 years ago, think he would have got it by now.

Matt Shaff's Engine Shop / Re: Hemi Engines
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:25:36 PM »
 I know it dangerous but I will take the risk, glenn if you just need a permission note from your wife= I will upon request forge her signature & send it to you.

Matt Shaff's Engine Shop / Re: Hemi Engines
« on: June 25, 2014, 09:08:02 PM »
Might have to, I like different.

 Glenn  Guys like you should be the gold standard for nostalgia racing.  talking about different, back in the mid 70's thru the mid 80's I ran  OCIR, Irwindale (until they closed), & Bakersfield also LACR. I ran many front engine dragsters with 354 & 392 Hemi power, guess what  I was the only one bracket racing with a Hemi. Most weeks I ran Sat at OCIR & Sun at Irwindale. I was always the odd guy with the Hemi & I had to make just about everything needed to do it. I made the first adapter to put the GM trans behind the Hemi. I also made my own tunnel ram to put a 4 hole Hilborn on the motor. I had up to 40 early hemi's in stock. I even sold 354 blocks, cranks & heads to Gene Adams  and I even bought his record holding A/F dragster from him.  Keep the Pontiac please.

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