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Messages - ss4

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Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Trans blanket
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:13:23 AM »
do you know what the height addition with the shield?

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Trans blanket
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:40:05 AM »
I went with blanket because I don't think there is enough room for the big plate shield.  here are a couple pics the issue is the steering cross mount is real close maybe 1/2"
Please ignore the thin flexplate only shield as this is an old photo and it is now an ultra bell.

Front Engine Dragsters / Trans blanket
« on: March 04, 2014, 10:29:30 AM »
okay right or wrong I have a Powerglide with ultra bell with a stock center and tailshaft.  If I am reading the rules correctly I need either a shield or a blanket to go around the main body/planetary.  Correct?  so I bought a blanket based on packaging.  so I assume the straps go across the bottom but won't I have to be careful with it going over the shifter mechanism and holding heat in the trans?  Any pictures of one properly installed.  Thanks Davin

we are still working on the body stuff.  spent most of the weekend laying glass and scratching myself from sanding.  Trying to get everything ready for primer for this coming weekend, at least the glass.  need to work out a slick way to put a gas door in the nose and finish up the rear panels on the english wheel.

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:30:37 AM »
all of you have hit it on the head.   The first time I ever saw or heard of a front engine dragster was while I was at the local barber.  Hotrod guy, went to Carlisle and bought a ratty 6cyl fed and from that point I was hooked.  at 42 I bought a set of front spindles and went from there.  I made my first passes last year and WOW.  I have been racing my 66 Chevelle and running a UMP Modified for years but this is a different level of cool.  And the bang for the dollar is awesome, I have less then 10k into my new chassis and everything to make is turn key.  The best was after making my second half track test run (330ft) my brother-in-law that I have been racing against in everything, came over and asked how it was and I told him it went well.  "1/2 throttle to 330 and 10deg total timing (small used injected chevy) and it went 4.0sec and coasted through at 7.48".  The look on his face was great as him exclaimed "my full tube corvair doesn't run 7.50 on a full pass!"  That made all the time and effort worth while, among so many other things.

Best thing is to keep the car in context.  Race/build what you are comfortable with.  Someone will always give opinion on what it should be or was in the day and that is great information but may not be right for you.   I like to race, not rebuild the motor every other weekend so I don't push it to the hairy edge, so guys do and that is great for them.

Scared, naw excited.  When I sit in the car I can't stop my right foot from shaking it is crazy.  My Grandfather asked me a longtime ago if I got Buck Fever and I embarrassingly said yes,  his reply is "you better or you may as well stop, because your hunting for the wrong reason otherwise".  I don't see racing any different or life for that matter.

Wanted to buy / Re: SBC Zoomies
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:37:35 AM »
I have a set of small tube small blocks for sale.  the set on the car are 2".  Both are built by Brendan Murray.

Two things

  Get some gloves on your kids hands while doing glass work
  Remove the belts off the car when cutting-grinding-welding anywhere near them

LOL you caught me.  She was all done and had taken the gloves off when I remembered to take the photo.

What grinding are you referring to????

 thanks for picking apart and missing the point!

Oh geez I forgot to add my Son is learning the Wheel as well.  Now if I can just get my bride to learning engine tunning like she promised 18 years ago.......

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: Battery Placement on a FED
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:31:31 AM »
not to hijack the initial question.

So NE II and Super Comp, do you have to be self starting with a battery on board??  I am running a block starter.

Too cold, BAH!  14 deg in Northern Michigan but it is a toasty 68 in the shop. 

So what does this Dad do with his 10 year old daughter after Church on a Sunday????

She shows me how to do fiberglass.  Yes that is what I said. My Daughter and my buddy worked on the nose on Saturday and then she showed me how to get it done the next.  Ever hear the song "who's gonna fill their shoes"?  Just working on the next generation. ;D

Wanted to buy / Re: Fire suit
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:18:36 AM »
that is a thought.  I currently have a tunnel over the tail shaft so I would only need to cover the body however don't I need to squeeze in a trans shield over the stock center, front is an ultra bell.

Wanted to buy / Re: Fire suit
« on: February 19, 2014, 09:21:25 PM »
Yes same car will be running 1/4 this year and possibly the following a blower. As I understand the rules I need at least a 15 for a dragster and boots if tranny is in cockpit  such as a front engine.  And this is for anything quicker than 9.99.  Is this incorrect

Wanted to buy / Fire suit
« on: February 19, 2014, 11:29:49 AM »
Looks like I have to buy a SFI 3.2A/15 or 20 suit to run my FED so has anyone out grown theirs???  Also need the Boots I guess.

Matt Shaff's Engine Shop / Re: oil heater
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:17:46 AM »
thanks for all the input.  I have to pull my pan to repair a small leak, so I think I will add a bung while I am there.  I already have a sticky pad so I will start with that initially.

Roo Man's Room / Re: wheelie bars
« on: February 16, 2014, 07:54:37 AM »
thanks for the detailed posts.  Guess I better get my steel ordered. So mild steel or moly?

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