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Messages - dragster_john

Pages: 1 [2]
for me they work good, hooked up hard n strait,  here they are lifting the fronts during burnout...  this is right before the other pic,   for me i like em, hope they do for ya!!   pedal to the metal!  :)

masracingtd1167 thats the same tire i use..  :)

Front Engine Dragsters / Re: tortion front
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:15:00 PM »
thanks for  the replys,  yeah the photographer added the surrounding effect to make car stand out...   yeah VAN my assembly has a bolt in the center on the front of tube,   ill check it out,  thanks!  :)

Front Engine Dragsters / tortion front
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:20:09 PM »
anyone have an idea how to adjust the tortion spring on a older style car,  just seems a little saggish over the years,   thanks,  :)  the second pic is me running yesterday...

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