FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: hotrodharley on March 20, 2014, 12:15:04 PM
i have a CNC master cly with M/W duel piston brake claipers [has bleeder on bottom and one on top of caliper]i'm not able to get brakes to bleed..i started out bleed at M/C then at right top and left top then right bottom and last l bottom..not getting any brake pressure at all at bleeders;;everything is new;;am i bleeding wrong or starting at wrong place..been doing brakes on stock cars and hot rods for 50 yrs and never had a probluminum bleeding brakes;;;;the way i bleeding[new way i just started doing a yr ago]is i loosen bleeder and have someone push brake pedel down slow till hits floor and holds there till i tighten bleeder.then he releases pedel back to top..keeping doing this way..has aways worked for me this way on stock calipers with only 1 bleeder per way i'm doing doesn't work with the 4 bleeders[top/bottom of calipers]?
The 4 bleeders are for inventory so you dont have to stock lefts and rights, only use the top bleeders as mounted.
Bench bleed the master. Master in a vice and pump fluid/piston by hand till it flows out the fitting and cap. re-install in car and hook up the lines. Bleed the caliper furthest away from the master starting with the outer bleed screw and then the inner, then go to the next caliper agian the outer screw then the inner. Repeat bleeding sequence of the calipers till you are satisfyed that there is no air left in the system. Leave the bottom bleeder screws alone.
The 4 bleeders are for inventory so you dont have to stock lefts and rights, only use the top bleeders as mounted.
Bench bleed the master. Master in a vice and pump fluid/piston by hand till it flows out the fitting and cap. re-install in car and hook up the lines. Bleed the caliper furthest away from the master starting with the outer bleed screw and then the inner, then go to the next caliper agian the outer screw then the inner. Repeat bleeding sequence of the calipers till you are satisfyed that there is no air left in the system. Leave the bottom bleeder screws alone.
Thanks;;i was trying to bleed with the bottom bleeders also..once i left them alone then about 4 times bleeding using top bleeders only i got brakes..Thanks Again for your help and others that commented
Also remember to pump the brake slowly. If you do it fast, it will never bleed completely.
as said bleed with the top bleeders only. if the master is lower than the calipers you may need a 2 psi residual valve.
Kudos, Very good information.
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