FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: hotrodharley on March 08, 2014, 11:32:34 PM
what is everyone using for tire pressure gauges?
?trying to set trailer up with all tools i need that i can leave in trailer all the time..right now i only have a old time pocket type tire gauge i use in garge..thinking i need something lot mor accurate and easy to read;;been looking at them on ebay;;found from $1.00 up to $400.00;;wow;;anyway what been your past experance as to what gauges you perfer to use as to brand//scale neddle or the digital readout ones? the digital looks like it be pretty nice.easy to read..reads down to smaller scale..found serval brands[thinking i need to stay away from the $20 china ones]finding some decent sounding brands in the $30 to $40 range//jegs/joes racing/longacre//;;any pro's and con's on tire gauges speaking from your past experance to what you like or don't like and how serious as to how expensive of one do i need to get?/
I have a Longacre. Its close to 4", glows in the dark, and 0-30 I believe. Came in a foam lined case and it stays there even in the golf cart. Ive had it checked a few times and its always been dead on.
I use a Blue Point 3" dial/needle from 0-30 psi. I'm not so concerned with the spot on accuracy of it, it is the only gauge I use for my combination so that/those readings are what work for me. Now a torque wrench or micrometer is a different matter.
Mark S
you absolutley need a 0-30 low pressure gauge. If you use a high pressure gauge 125-150psi , the degree of accuracy on a high pressure gauge could vary as much a 1-2lb which would be critical to setting tire pressures.
I liked my tire pressures at 6.5psi with the altered, sub 6psi I could feel the car swaying in the sidewalls mid track, over 7.5psi it would bounce in the shut down on rough tracks. Moroso do a fairly cheap 0-30 psi gauge for about $50 if I recall.
Other trailer / cart tools I carried, foot pump incase we got held in the lanes too long and pressures dropped, spare tire valves, dzus tool and fixings, fuses, a short length of wire with piggyback terminals incase we needed to hotwire a failed circuit, AN wrenchs and rags for leaks, chute cord for packing the chute, dial in marker, zip ties for quiks fixes and slave battery and leads. Would generally have a smaller selection of tools in the towcar too.
ALWAYS keep your chute cord tied to the back of the car.
I carry 2 in case somebody needs it in an emergency and not leave me without one. Car had backed up after the burnout and sombody walking behind the car got hung up on the wire and opened the pack and the pilot came out , since the cord was there, it was only 10 seconds to pack it. if the cord was in the truck I would have been shut off for taking too long.
Thank you, I like it!
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