FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: Paladin AA/FA on January 27, 2014, 08:25:18 AM
We're going to run 34.5 Hoosier tires on our AA/FA using tubes and liners. Where do you place the second valve on the rim? Any help would be great.
On some tubes there is a 2-way valve stem so only one hole is needed.
I'll have to check the tubes. They also came from Hooiser.
Liner tubes with the valves have a brass stem out of the tube and a nut to hold the stem onto the wheel. Rotate the core out and it inflates the tire, rotate in all the way--- the tube
Since the tube takes 40# of air and the tire 7#
Make sure stem is in the tire possision before using your 1 - 15# tire gauge
The old style liner tubes are no longer made and are now so old I would not use them. Now the new tubes are basicly race tubes without the duel stem, this requires the addition of a second valve stem to inflate the outer tire. Just need to know the best location to install it.
oposite of the first, mark with a red X, first one to blow the dial has to by a new gauge
Could someone please have the kindness to explain this two valve stem deal? One for the tube, another for the tire?? I didn't know about this… Oh, such a steep/endless learning curve!
Running liners is a way of locking the outer tire to the rim edge without screws or beadlocks.
The three parts are the tube itself, the inner tire, and the outer tire (in this case the slick)
You first mount the first bead of the slick on the rim as normal the the first bead of the inner tire, then insert the tube and then the inner tire and then the slick.
The inner tire is like the outer slick except it is about 35% smaller and the seating beads have slots in them for air to pass thru.
By inflating the inner tube it forces the inner liner bead against the bead of the slick and clamps it to the bead seat of the rim.
The second valve stem allows you now to inflate the outer tire/slick with your normal pressure setting as the air travels thru the air slots in the liner.
Why not use the air from the tube to do that???Because the inner tube/liner takes about 40# of air to work.
Problems that can arise from linners can be the if the tube leaks , you wind up with the the air equalizing on that side and now have a tire with 40+lbs of air and the other side 6.5#
Also if you have somone check the air, they must be aware which valve has the 6.5# otherwise it will blow the needle off your 1-15# gauge by using it on the 40# side
Tires re-act different to screws(no liner)- liners- and beadlocks ,so testing to what works best for you comes into play , and then there is the weight and cost issue, But I will not get into that,
Could someone please have the kindness to explain this two valve stem deal? One for the tube, another for the tire?? I didn't know about this… Oh, such a steep/endless learning curve!
Do not concern yourself with this aspect of technology and there is no measurable advantage for you.
Wheel/tire/rim-screws works for 99% of all the cars out there just fine
Could someone please have the kindness to explain this two valve stem deal? One for the tube, another for the tire?? I didn't know about this… Oh, such a steep/endless learning curve!
Do not concern yourself with this aspect of technology and there is no measurable advantage for you.
Wheel/tire/rim-screws works for 99% of all the cars out there just fine
Information is power, it would be interesting to be educated on this topic.
•Inner Liner - An inner tire that provides support in the event of a puncture or failure to the outer main tire
•Inner Liner - An inner tire that provides support in the event of a puncture or failure to the outer main tire
This is different from an inner tube?
In NASCAR racing since they dont deal with really low tire pressure it acts as a safety spare to give a chance to get into the pits for a change and not blow off the rim whereas we run such low air pressure that somtimes is not enough to hold the tire on the rim during a launch which is why we use other methods such as screws-liners-beadlocks. Why liners are not a concern for the most of us is that they dont make that many sizes and the tire Manf. accepts that screws work just fine in a light car
Thanks everyone for the education! I learn everyday here.
-Thanks Bruce for the help.
-There are a lot of guys out there running this set up. It's not just a money deal with the cost of a set of beadlock wheels. I think a used set will go for around $2000 or more?? Some people feel there's less "shake" with the tube and liner deal over the beadlocks. So we'll see.
How many is "lots" ::)
If one has run beadlocks and gets shake that they cannot tune out and switches over to liners and the shake disappears then I would say-yes they did
If one has only run liners on their car, the only thing they can say is that they didnt have shake
More then 1 and less then 100.
I was at the Winter Nationals on Friday and saw that Jason Rupert runs the same set up on his NFC. He's won a couple of NFC championships so I think we should be ok.
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