FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Technical => Roo Man's Room => Topic started by: bigblockrik on March 23, 2016, 08:24:21 AM
What is the average cost of tubing for a 180'' frame.Thanks
Depends how you build it weather its and "oil derrick" or "conventional style"
around 7-800 if you buy it right
1/2 stick 3/4 @ $45
1/2 stick 7/8 @ $45
1/2 stick 1 @ $45
3 sticks 1 1/4 @ $85ea
1 stick 1 3/8 @ $85
1/2 stick 1 1/2 @ $50
1/2 stick 1 5/8 @ $75
Thats $600 right there and there are a couple short pieces of different wall sizes you will need to build a frame to SFI 2.4 spec. the lower spec (2.6) is only pennies cheaper to build because you dont need the 1 1/2" shouder hoop and you can use the 1 3/8 instead $43 vs $50
You might as well budget 25 or 35% more. That'll cover some mistakes and you'll need stuff like 3/4 around for steering and radius rods. You don't want to bring in a single length of something if you can help it, the shipping will kill you unless you have a supplier within driving distance.
Is that USA c/m ?
with all the mill paper work?
are tubing comes in 18' to 24' so half could be 9' to 12'
i think UPS will ship up to 8' over is truck
Bruce i getting ready to place a new order next week for about 3500' would like to get a price from your suppler
bigblockrik if you want we can order you tubing together and both save a penny
thanks steve m
The prices I stated were out of an Aircraft Spruce catolog and enough tubing to build the frame only (not including steering and suspention parts) although there is enough extra for mistakes.
I buy mine from Aircraft Spruce because---
A) purchase enough for that project as it saves me from having to store an inventory.
B) tubing prices change and customer gets charged "Market Price"
C) Invoice for tubing gets put into cust. folder and saves book keeping time
D) I can purchase it in 1' lengths without a cut charge
E) Not all CM tubing sizes are made in USA, But A-S does not sell china/asia made tubing
F) you can get "paperwork" from them, but not nessasary for what we do
G) 40 minute drive for me and are open Sat mornings at 7am if I need full lengths instead of shipping them
Steve If you are ordering 3500' of tubing, its best to shop places like Jorgensen to get the best deal due to the weight amount vs per foot amount
get it from AED. Even working Bruce's pricing being based on a 24' stick I pay less than his numbers. Also the same story on no Chinese from them.
Steve, I have purchased from AED like Roo and had nothing but good experience.
My post was not about an endorsement of A-S, its just who I use because it works for me. But I used them only as a reference for tubing cost to build just the frame.
In my part of the world ( central Illinois) I have had good luck with Wicks Aircraft supply although with several sprint car shops here I rarely need to order anything.
thanks all, our last order was from AED, 500 feet, sorry not 3000 feet needed, one to many 000000000, we did talk to two mills they want 10,000 feet mim. was just a little out of my price range and that is a lot of storage space :D