FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Technical => Dan Dishon's Transmission Den => Topic started by: wideopen231 on December 30, 2015, 06:47:50 AM
Any idea what pressure is on cooler lines for PG. Thinking of using some aluminum tube I have here for running from trans to cooler .Ligheter and dissipate heat quicker also.Oh yea and ZERO cost.As long as pressure is low enough to be safe.Cheap part break,car hit wall = big loss.NLMAO
Hard line from transmission to cooler sounds like a bad idea even if it's free.
Well the pressure is not that great, when I worked for Modine, the transcoolers were tested to 125 psi. Never having checked pressure at the cooler ,I would think a racing unit with a 200 psi would be at that 125 mark at the cooler. Remember when running hard lines, you will need some kind of flex line at one of the connection on each line to absorb vibration and flex. Aluminum lines will not take much before cracking. If I were running a hard line it would be stainless. Free is good, but not if it cost you a trans, or even worse a racecar due to failure. Both of my cars are braided steel with an fittings.
Hope this helps,
Hi Wide
Like anything in life there are pluses and minuses. Probably in our situation its not ideal for the simple reason of the lines are located in a location were they are subject to getting constantly bumped.
A solid line has to be constructed as such to give it compliance (think question marks ? and esses s ). The joint intersections have to meet-align perfectly. It will have to be bent in a way in which the tubing you have (?) will allow. And having an undisturbed clean area with an amount of straight at the fitting for proper flaring. This is especially important or you will eventually see the joint fail.
A Hard plumbed pc of equipment is a fracking work of art to look at 8).
We are blessed nowadays to have all the braided line types available to us. And really for the the quality ,a good buy for all the mfg work involved.
Happy new year wide
my bad I guess.I never said rather it hard tubing all the way to trans and converter.Its hard line with piece of braided at each end.Not my first rodeo and when I talk I take for granite that everyone understands that some parts are just understood to be. Reason#1 why I am bad teacher.Also why i hate to have someone tell me something with all of the details.I like A-M-Z and fill in the rest,keeps my wife PO too.
Hard line part will be fairly safe fronm abuse. I can go with SS , but probably go nylon braid first lot lighter just can't go thru upright's holes with it.
my bad I guess.I never said rather it hard tubing all the way to trans and converter.Its hard line with piece of braided at each end.Not my first rodeo and when I talk I take for granite that everyone understands that some parts are just understood to be. Reason#1 why I am bad teacher.Also why i hate to have someone tell me something with all of the details.I like A-M-Z and fill in the rest,keeps my wife PO too.
Hard line part will be fairly safe fronm abuse. I can go with SS , but probably go nylon braid first lot lighter just can't go thru upright's holes with it.
Sorry wide not trying to PYO.
Wasn't thinking in my response of just you. Other people read this stuff and when I reply to someone am just trying to offer up what little I can (which aint much) for anyones info that may be of help.
Not sure what A-M-Z is and why it pisses your wife off, But am sorry.
How bout a proper intro.
My name is Luke Zane I am kind of an idiot but am pleased to meet you
Happy new year
Not pissed about post in anyway. As for A-M-Z.Means give me first part of story,litle bitty middle and end I will figure out. Don't need full details as they tend to get my mind wondering and I miss most of what was said.She is a full detail word for word story teller. I also talk in A-M-Z manner anf figure since I know exactly what I mean everyone else should be able to figutre it out. Also talk fast if was a yankee and around here in the south I'm T/F with big shot of nitrous. Well I don't talk fast they listen slow is my story . Like I said bad teacher. Not best listener either at times. Better when its car related.