FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: 23Taltered on June 01, 2015, 05:58:02 PM
can anyone tell me what is required for safety equipment (helmet, suit, shoes, gloves, etc..) for the IHRA? altered that will run somewhere around 5.0 in the 1/8th running a naturally aspirated motor on alcohol. cant seem to find any solid answers.
Here is a link to IHRA rule book{"issue_id":240884,"page":0} ({"issue_id":240884,"page":0})
Both NHRA and IHRA rules books are confusing. the equipment "builds" as you go higher in classes.
5.0 in the 1/8 will be some where around 8.0 or a little better in the 1/4 (165 mph)
You will need to know what class you will be running in, do you have a license yet?
I do not have my license yet, this will be my first open bodied car running that fast.
I would call an IHRA tech. When I licensed tech told me I needed a 20 layer suit, after a phone call to NHRA tech we found that n/a on alky with a firewall in a fed only needed a 5 layer suit. Not sure on an altered.
If your tranny (glide, planetary) on any front motored car is fully enclosed by a tunnel you can run a -5, if any part is exposed to the driver, you have to run a -20, at least in NHRA.
This seems to be an unclear topic with NHRA. I have a FED that where the tranny is separated from the driver by a bulkhead / firewall. I thought I could use a -5 suit, then NHRA tells me because I'm sitting behind the rear housing, I need a -15 suit.
Using ET Rules..a -5 will work as long as the stock case trans is sealed off with a floorboard meaning that you cannot see tranny from looking down. If you are using a aftermarket case, you do not have to have it covered.
at this point I have a stock case with a trans-shield but no flexplate shield is this passable? I do have a floor pan and cannot see transmission while sitting in the car. not trying to skimp on safety by any means but I don't want to show up to the track and have the wrong equipment and have to buy things twice.
Stock case requires a flexplate shield regardless of what suit you choose....but a full floorboard will get you in with a -5 using NHRA ET Rules.
If you go to the link that Glenn posted. On pages 68 and 69 you will find the info you need for IHRA. Use the 0.00 to 9.99 chapter.
You will need a certified flexplate, flexplate shield and trans shield.
A -5 suit with gloves, arm restraints, neck brace and helmet would be the minimum. Racing shoes are a good idea as sneakers can melt and stick to you in a fire.
Trans can be exposed for IHRA with a -5 suit. NHRA requires a -15 suit or cover on trans.
I thought a helmet with a SA rating was required with the engine up front. If its not its a good idea. They have a strap that is fire retardant so it wont melt and stick to you or break away in a fire.
Exposed trans(driver not seperated by full coverage floorpan or bulkhead/firewall) requires fireboots over your shoes. with hot trans oil, would would be greatfull for the extra layers.
Also go by whichever org (NHRA-IHRA) has the tightest rules and not the more lax requirments---that way one is never caught off guard.
A -5 suit is nothing but covering to destiguish you apart from the spectator crowd
-5 = 5 seconds in a fire before serious skin damage
-15 = 15 seconds
-20 = 20 seconds
Also go by whichever org (NHRA-IHRA) has the tightest rules and not the more lax requirments---that way one is never caught off guard.
Most excellent advice!!!
2 years ago it became mandatory for any car that runs quicker than 7.50 to use a head and neck restraint ! After using mine for the last couple of years I would never go back to a neck collar even if I was running a high 8 second car ! You feel so much more secure with it on !
i got my car certified this weekend and even while at the track no one could give me a straight answer on which suit I need, I know the safer the better but its hard to want to spend $1200+ on a suit when I could spend less than half that and be out racing. from what I read in the rule book it says that in an altered with a supercharged engine a 15 suit is required but it doesn't say anything about a naturally aspirated motor. at this point the suit is really the only thing holding me up from racing.
i got my car certified this weekend and even while at the track no one could give me a straight answer on which suit I need, I know the safer the better but its hard to want to spend $1200+ on a suit when I could spend less than half that and be out racing. from what I read in the rule book it says that in an altered with a supercharged engine a 15 suit is required but it doesn't say anything about a naturally aspirated motor. at this point the suit is really the only thing holding me up from racing.
Did you say safer is better ? Guess you got your answer. I hope. George
years ago when Simpson was easy to deal with (before Corp) I would sell a 20 for the 15 price. 15 is fine for asperated, wear the underwear for insurance.
The only dealer that has a real stock on the shelves at all times of -15 and -20 is Biondo in NJ
They are racers and offer Excellent customer service to all racers--They keep every size of two piece and one piece suits ON THE SHELF--they are very helpful with sizing and when i got my new SFI -15 Sparco it was too small--they admitted they helped with sizing and exchanged it fast as could be with Zero lip or attitude.
The Sparco X Light suit I bought is very comfortable--high quality construction and was DEEPLY discounted vs other dealers---they also offer NHRA discount. I lost an arm restraint in the pits and when i called he sent me two more next day with a smile
Biondo customer for life here--they do it old style and with style and..... best $$$ on the market.
The only dealer that has a real stock on the shelves at all times of -15 and -20 is Biondo in NJ
They are racers and offer Excellent customer service to all racers--They keep every size of two piece and one piece suits ON THE SHELF--they are very helpful with sizing and when i got my new SFI -15 Sparco it was too small--they admitted they helped with sizing and exchanged it fast as could be with Zero lip or attitude.
The Sparco X Light suit I bought is very comfortable--high quality construction and was DEEPLY discounted vs other dealers---they also offer NHRA discount. I lost an arm restraint in the pits and when i called he sent me two more next day with a smile
Biondo customer for life here--they do it old style and with style and..... best $$$ on the market. my sparco -15 x-lite
If you are naturally aspirated this is simple – Do you have a firewall and is your trans completely covered by tin? If you do – Then it is a -5 suit – If not it is a 15. It doesn’t matter if it is an aftermarket case or not, the above rules apply –
If you are running a head restraint then you still need some kind of fire protection for your neck. Either a sock under your helmet – A skirt on your helmet – Or a neck collar along with your head restraint.