FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Technical => Spud Miller's Cave => Topic started by: hotrodharley on March 28, 2015, 12:14:57 AM
friend has a 454 sbc with 13-1 comp;[has no heads or cam yet]got him a tunnel ram with bird catcher. going run alcohol.Also found a hilibrand PG-150A pump;;Will this pump work for his combo?open Also what head size and cam size should he go with?
PG-150A is the model of the pump. A -0 might barely work (very small main pill) or a -1/2. Optimal would be a -1 sized pump. Look at the serial number stamped into the pump body. If it's one of the small sizes, we can put bigger guts in it. Or he might want to look around for a -1.
On heads and cam...the answer is "how fast does he want to go" and "how much does he want to spend"?
The better the heads, the more power.
Thanks Spud;;;Will tell him to pass on it then;;what size enderle pump would you recommend him to get then?
If the PG-150A is a -1, tell him to snag it! Otherwise an Enderle 80A (still a -1 just like the Hilborn) would work great.