FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Technical => Roo Man's Room => Topic started by: gregm784 on January 10, 2015, 07:44:54 PM
Burn down tube question.
I'm putting a new set of valve covers on my car this winter.
I've always ran my puke tubes out of the center of the valve covers. Thinking of moving them towards the front of the valve covers (still on top though) to move them clear of the blower restraints.
Is there an advantage to having them in one place over another?
Last year's setup.
The main reason for putting them is the middle is too keep them "neutral" in the case of an excess of oil getting into the valve covers via a burned piston pressurizing the pan etc. The thinking is that under brakes (or the hit of the chute) the oil will be in the front of the cover and vice versa, it will be in the back under acceleration. That said, if you are not burning nitro, you can probably put them anywhere that suits your purpose, especially if you put a baffle over the hole on the inside.
I do not run as fast as you but have had no problems with mine located at the front.
I think i like them up front so they are not in the way with the restraints.
Thanks for the input guys.
We found there is less oil getting into the puke tank with the burndown breather in the center of the valve cover. Ours is a blown SBC.
Btw, they ended up back in the middle.