FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: hotrodharley on November 30, 2014, 06:43:17 PM
trying to figure out what to do with my rear helmet bars;;when my chassis builder[welder]put the new cage on he leaned the 2 rear bars back instead ot straight up like most is done..when I took it out for it's shake down pass thow my head back against bar so I couldn't see front of car and had to let off throttle;;when i'm sitting in car with no padding on cage and helmet on there is 4 1/2" between helmet and cage;;trying to figure out how maybe to build maybe a headrest to take up this space that won't look so gaddy[like xxxx]haven't found any pics of any altered that has a headrest to get ideal from;;I didn't have chine strap on helmet or any type neck support or hans device at that test hit but I did put chinstrap on helmet;;;;;with a chinstrap on helmet and a hans device or a simple neck color will that solve my issue with the cage gap?what i'm asking is should my head be against the cage before I take off or does the chinstrap and neck support is enough to keep head from snapping back against cage?should your helmet be against cage[padding or should there be some space between helmet and back bars;;I have ISP side pieces now but need to send in to get made thicker;;thinking they said I should have 3/4" or something like that from side pieces and side of helmet;;i'm 2 3/4" now and ISP said that was to much;;sides are no brainer on what to do there;;just the rear is the big issue I need to solve;;way is now can't drive car or stay on throttle;;need advice
You should have a headrest to limit the movement of your head. Speak to ISP and see if they can do you one, if not high density foam glued and upholstered to a suitable plate fixed on the cage is what you want.
Danny Nelson owner of RaceCraft chassis has them as they are standard equipment on his cars.
We have the same issue. I called ISP and in about 5 minutes had a rear helmet pad ordered. Give them a call.
We have the same issue. I called ISP and in about 5 minutes had a rear helmet pad ordered. Give them a call.
on your pad;;when you all suited up and straped in does your helmet sit against pad or is there a space?how you go about telling them how thick pad needed to be?I'm new to all this so I have no ideal on this kind of stuff..never drove a car with this kind of g-force on launch so all a big issue;;my door cars never had enough sh#@ in them to worry about head slaming back against cage and knocking my be wearing neck support[hans device]and a chine strap on front of helmet before get back into car if that makes any difference;any pics of what ISP made for you?how much cost to have them do one for you?
Put all of your driving stuff on, helmet and hans. Get in the car and have someone measure the distance between the back of your helmet and front of the down tubes of the roll cage. ISP told me their standard rear helmet pad is 7x7, 3 inches deep and they use zip ties to mount the pad to the down tubes of the cage. Give ISP a call they're great to deal with and can answer any questions you have. My pad new from ISP cost $100.
Thanks Nightmare AA/FA;;i'll do it this weekend and call them Monday then..also need to get my side pieces[ISP]made thicker also;
Check out the website. There are packages with side and rear pads.
I ordered my pad on the 9th, ISP shipped it today. Pretty good customer service.
I sent my side pads and mock-up of the rear pad to ISP Fri;;to have them make side pads thicker and to build me the rear headrest;;;
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