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Drag Racing Discussions => Altereds => Topic started by: PANK on February 06, 2013, 05:59:27 PM

Title: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: PANK on February 06, 2013, 05:59:27 PM
Just wondering how many are out there.
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: longm1958 on February 07, 2013, 07:10:50 AM
I was actually trying to do the nostalgia funnycar thing when I got the FED I own now. I wanted the funnycar and altered body for use in different events. I seemingly came along too late as prices for the old stuff went through the roof, and for a chassis that might not recertify. I got the FED instead.
The altered in your pic is fabulous. I would love to have it or one just like it.

Mike L in Ga
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: PANK on February 07, 2013, 03:04:03 PM
I had it for sale last month for $15000 no bites,It runs low 8s in quarter and it has a 7.50 car quality.
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: Flyingdutchmanfc on February 09, 2013, 04:06:53 AM
An aquantance of mine was the driver for this nastalgia funny car/altered, It double dutied as an altered also. Its an older chassis like a late 70'S chassis if I remember right. This has been my plan all along to someday rebody mine with a blown alky big block and put one of my dads funny car bodies on it. Someday may never come though the way prices keep rising.




Same car


Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: LZ on February 09, 2013, 06:03:21 AM
An aquantance of mine was the driver for this nastalgia funny car/altered, It double dutied as an altered also. Its an older chassis like a late 70'S chassis if I remember right. This has been my plan all along to someday rebody mine with a blown alky big block and put one of my dads funny car bodies on it. Someday may never come though the way prices keep rising.

OK forgive my ignorance. But are we a Vanderwoude???
And you have some of your Dads bodys????  If so Holy Burnout Batman. You must start a thread and post info.  Please.  8)
If it is a coincidence then still want to hear about and see your project.
Hey I hear you on the costs.. Thank goodness I have some friends to help with there stuff.
My Altered right now is an older FC chassis.
Hey sorry for the sidetrack.
Best to you
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: Flyingdutchmanfc on February 15, 2013, 05:11:43 PM

OK forgive my ignorance. But are we a Vanderwoude???
And you have some of your Dads bodys????  If so Holy Burnout Batman. You must start a thread and post info.  Please.  8)
My Altered right now is an older FC chassis.
Hey sorry for the sidetrack.
Best to you

I am not a Vanderwoude, but my Dad did purchase the 68/69 Dutchman Charger from Al and repaint it as his own vision. He then sold his operation in early 71 and moved to K.C. and drove 3 versions of the Dutchman for Al. As far as having one of the bodies, you could only imagine the people that have tracked me down begging for them. I wish I did. The Charger body was sold to a guy who ran a garage/salvage business locally in 1970. I am certain it ended up in a dumpster as it never did surfaced.




Me at the very impressionable age of 8

Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: Flyingdutchmanfc on February 15, 2013, 05:19:29 PM
With Base coat note the green roll bar still




It was rebodied to a Challenger/Cuda


Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: PANK on February 16, 2013, 05:34:22 AM
WOW,that was a cool car.The body for mine disapeared back in the 80s.No idea where it went.
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: LZ on February 16, 2013, 07:18:13 AM
I remember this . So this is Joel??
Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: Flyingdutchmanfc on February 16, 2013, 07:42:46 AM
Yes Luke this is Joel. In todays standards if we only knew then what we know now. Those bodys are considered priceless to the right people. I would almost sell my house to get one back, my wife would stop me from that but you get my point.
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: Marc s on March 24, 2013, 11:56:33 AM
Back around 2004, I ran into an older gentleman at a local Starbucks. He had an old NHRA jacket on so I approached him, and we started talking about racing. As it turned out, he had a mid 70's Art Morrison fuel funny car with an 1975 Monza funny car body that he bought new. I followed him back to his shop to look at the car. Other than an engine, the funny car was complete and had never been finished or raced. I made him an offer, and I hauled it back to my shop. I built motor plates, installed my spare blown alcohol BBC and trans, and had it running the same day that I brought it home. I ended up selling the Monza body to Kenny Martin for the nostalgia fuel car that he was building and I installed a 23T altered body on my chassis. In order for the chassis to tech for advanced ET, I had to add one bar to each side of the chassis. If I remember correctly, the first time out, the car ran 7.62 but bent a few valves due to valve to guide issues. I installed a pair of Canfield heads and went 7.40's. After installing a 90" single wheelie bar and working on my high speed lean out, I got the car into the high 6's.


Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: GlennLever on March 24, 2013, 04:25:46 PM
Very nice, nice to see some action here
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: wud73 on November 20, 2013, 11:05:49 PM
Hi. New here from the rainy NW.  Got a 60's F/C with '23T type body.  Randy Parker looked it over.  Best he could remember it is identical to the Jungle Jim car he restored the chassis on.  So my car is a Logge type chassis.  Being "first-gen" it's wide enough for my fat ass.

There's evidence of years of brutal mods on the car....yes, many rollcages...mucho angle iron (not kidding)(cut enough junk off to fill a dump truck).

 I ditched the :

-phoney Corvette comp-car front facia.
-Weld wheels
-Momo steering wheel
-Footbrake with five bellcranks, 13 heim joints and a bungie cord
-7000 gallon fuel tank
-Kenworth radiator
-tunnel ram with toilets
-some xxxx box with wires, timers, fuses,switches and crap plumbed into a MSD dist.
-comp headers

NOW has:

-stripped down rail-job front end
-15x 14 slots (can't afford Halibrands) and yes the cast wheels weigh 237 pounds each. American magnesium up front.
-butterfly wheel (yea, worn walnut grips)
-hand  brake
-moon tank
-piss ant radiator, tucked down low

and the list goes on.  Hope to finish up the new cage by spring and get it certified.  FAR from a show car.  It's an old battleaxe.  It should look like right out of 1968.  Should be pretty enough to not scare young children......but  ugly enough to scare door cars.

Thank you,  Wayne
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: DON on November 21, 2013, 05:38:12 AM
Wayne,Any Pics new or old .
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: wud73 on November 21, 2013, 08:55:02 AM
I don't know if I have any before pics.  (didn't think of that)  But I can get some in progress shots.   It's just an old, patched up, race car.  Kinda like an ugly sister.....I lover her anyway.
Title: look here t42vxt
Post by: Maryannchats on August 01, 2024, 06:50:33 PM
Whoa a lot of valuable knowledge!
additional hints
made a post
Title: Re: Old 70s funny car turned alterd
Post by: JoydayVox on November 19, 2024, 11:34:55 AM
PMID 16121980 priligy cvs (