FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum

Drag Racing Discussions => Front Engine Dragsters => Topic started by: gasserx on July 04, 2014, 05:16:40 AM

Title: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 04, 2014, 05:16:40 AM
I need to build a trailer for my FED, and need inspiration.
Dont need a trailer the size of a house - with bedroom, livingroom etc ( ;) )...., those money needs to be spent on engine and car  8)

Open trailers rule, any pictures?
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 04, 2014, 05:56:36 AM
A lot of them are built on modified boat trailers.



and then there are open trailers built from the axle up

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: dreracecar on July 04, 2014, 08:45:46 AM
Open trailers are fine for in & out events, but after awhile  and with todays sociaty on the prowel enclosing the open trailer is a must do.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Dolmetsch on July 04, 2014, 10:09:15 AM
Well, I built this last year for my Fed. It will handle a longer one or could be built that way easily. It is built from 2x4 1/8th mild steel rectangular tubing. Axle is a modified K car unit. Wheels are from the wreckers and tires are proper trailer tire with load rating easily exceeding the weight it carries. This trailer was built to mate with my 63 dodge MW street car and makes a bit of a stir when I show up towing the dragster. Why an open trailer? Because as a kid I remember how exciting seeing a "REAL RACE CAR" was. An enclosed could house anything but No one can enjoy it. I park it inside when not in use with the rail parked on it. With an enclosed trailer there is no visual effect.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 04, 2014, 10:49:31 AM
Personally I would look at a GOOD used enclosed trailer. They are not that expensive, protect the dragster going down the road, from the elements, and from nasty people.

They make a great temporary garage and storage place when you need to empty the garage to work on the dragster.

I actually have three.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: wideopen231 on July 04, 2014, 01:47:45 PM
MY plan is to build a open trailer designed to be enclosed later.  I would love to get hold of some extruded aluminum like Goldrush uses in thier trailers. Could build floor with bolt on side rails and  remove them when could afford to do aluminum encloser.

 Open trailers are cool and gety  lots of attention for car,but as stated enclosed is really the best.Car is dry and safer/Keeping folks from messing with car halps avoid extra lawyer fees after catching them. With the numerous thefts of complete rigs now days I would hate to see how manyarts would disappear from car on open trailer over night.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: grapro on July 04, 2014, 07:26:17 PM
Here  is a link on one built in the UK hopefully it works.
I am planning on building one like this.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 05, 2014, 01:12:58 AM
Its all about the money i guess, but an enclosed trailer at that size is NOT cheap over here  :(
grapo; that is something i would love to have. Looks really nice. £3500 is not bad at all, but you`ll never make deals like that over here.

But for now, i would need something that i can afford. Open trailer..
Car will be stored in my garage, not in the trailer. And my local racetrack is just 2minutes away, so i just need something to get it there.
Modified boat-trailer is a good idea, thanks :)
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Dolmetsch on July 05, 2014, 05:05:37 AM
Mine cost $450 Canadian $ including tires. I cut one normal fender in half to get the narrow ones so the car could sneak up between them . It took a week to build. Doesn't need ramps per say (Just a block of wood to split the rise at the back), tows well I can and always do load the car myself and I don't half to unhook it , just raise the jack to load and unload. I am tickled pink with it.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: PSweeney on July 06, 2014, 10:05:57 AM
Open trailer is the most practical for me.  Also love the attention the car gets on the motorway going to events, lots of kids giving the thumbs up and waving, people stop and speak at petrol stations etc, would be even better if I could tow with something period but my nearest track is 70 miles away
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 07, 2014, 05:17:24 AM
I have to agree that an open trailer is a great way to promote our hobby  :D
Modern day kids are just interested in ipads, apps and Teslas....  :'(  I have kids in that age, so i know. Its our responsibility to show them the real thing. If i can just make one kid interested because he sees my car on a trailer...its worth it, right?  8)

THIS would be the coolest though:

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: dreracecar on July 07, 2014, 08:23:41 AM
Tell me how wonderful an open trailer is when your toolbox dissapears out the back of your truck.   Now a days you cant count on your stuff being safe from theives at the track.Would love to live in a world full of rainbows and unicorns dancing in fields of daiseys.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: George on July 07, 2014, 10:04:04 AM
Tell me how wonderful an open trailer is when your toolbox dissapears out the back of your truck.   Now a days you cant count on your stuff being safe from theives at the track.Would love to live in a world full of rainbows and unicorns dancing in fields of daiseys.

Yes Sir. Mine is locked down even in my driveway.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 07, 2014, 10:21:56 AM
Tell me how wonderful an open trailer is when your toolbox dissapears out the back of your truck.   Now a days you cant count on your stuff being safe from theives at the track.Would love to live in a world full of rainbows and unicorns dancing in fields of daiseys.
I would not want to live in that world it would make me puck (world full of rainbows and unicorns dancing in fields of daises)
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: masracingtd1167 on July 09, 2014, 02:18:24 PM
Here ya go
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 09, 2014, 02:25:43 PM
Here ya go

The rear bumper and frames on those Mustangs were never meant to put a hitch on.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Paul New on July 09, 2014, 03:12:06 PM
Here ya go

The rear bumper and frames on those Mustangs were never meant to put a hitch on.

 ha ha not to be a smart ass Glenn but some times I just have to the mustang is a unibody car no frame. I towed my dads FED on an open trailer in the early 90's with my 65 Chevy II
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: masracingtd1167 on July 10, 2014, 11:20:31 AM
That was all I had back then ! That Mustang was a 6 with a 3 speed stick ! The big problem was trying to stop it !
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: wideopen231 on July 10, 2014, 08:57:49 PM
Man talk about showing your age.Both of those where built before I was born. Well maybe what year is the mustink?I mean mustang.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: JeffV8 on July 10, 2014, 09:41:16 PM
Looks like a 67
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 11, 2014, 05:00:19 AM
Man talk about showing your age.Both of those where built before I was born. Well maybe what year is the mustink?I mean mustang.

Now your making me feel old, I was in High school when they came out
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 18, 2014, 04:16:41 AM
Going to have a closer look at this today or tomorrow. I know the guy that owns it, and seems like i can get it almost for free.


Can easily be built into an enclosed trailer with a little bit of frameing, floor and panels.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on July 18, 2014, 07:52:26 PM
Going to have a closer look at this today or tomorrow. I know the guy that owns it, and seems like i can get it almost for free.


Can easily be built into an enclosed trailer with a little bit of frameing, floor and panels.

Are those torsion axles? I see no springs, An closed traile by itself might weigh 4500 pounds, with out a load, fame looks light for that, most good enclosed trailers have six or eight inch main beams
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 19, 2014, 12:29:37 AM
Depends how you build it..
Well, going for a look today, i dont know the loading capacity or if its suitable yet.
Might work as an open trailer though, then im covered for a while.

Checked on some of the simplest enclosed trailers over here, and its not possible to find anything below $12-15000
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Sidewinder on July 19, 2014, 01:58:58 AM
Hello M;)

The caravan chassis is very weak, so you should look for New beams:)
As you said, check the load capasity on the axles. To make an enclosed trailer, you probably need New ones.
Hofstad in Oslo is a good Source. The also sells trailer kits:) Not very expensiv:)
Also see if you could find old trucks. You might fins something for the enclosed part;)


Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on July 19, 2014, 04:17:47 AM
Thanks K,
I'll check with Hofstad first. I can live with an open trailer as a starter  :)

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: wideopen231 on July 19, 2014, 04:48:13 AM
IMO if you are going to buy a frame to build a trailer on you would be better off building it all. That way you get everything the way you want it from start.Most of the time converting something to work for you needs ends up costing more in the long run. If building to get by the frame you have located may work and you can build on final deal as you go.I t does lok very questionable on carry much of load and could need some rails thru center section.My biggest issue with one your looking at would be the front hitch area ,looks like rial have hole stamped in them .If so I would figure cost of replacing as part of cost for trailer.Have broken hitch at trailer before its not fun day,I got lucky and nobody or any thing got hurt.

  Not living where you do I have no idea how available material is or how readily available trailer parts are.Here I can drive few miles and pickup most everything needed. I figure me building one will sve a little but I can do it in stages.Open trailer for while and then enclose it later. With my ar being 225" I figure Im going to need 28' minimum and probably going with 32' because while building the extra 4' will have very little ectra cost and be worth more when done.

    If you have never built a trailer take my word for it its HUGE job.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on August 13, 2014, 03:47:51 AM
It should held up really fine with a few more center sections rails as you say wideopen231, and a new bottom.
Axles where rated to 850kg each, total of 1700kg - enough to at least build a strong open trailer.
But I let go of the caravan chassis... by accident(i was on vacation). When i called back to actually buy it, it was gone.
Well, not any big problem.. I`ll find another.
Still on the look for other options.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Tim Jones on August 13, 2014, 06:58:30 PM
You could always go nuts and do something like this,, Tim Jones
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Dolmetsch on August 13, 2014, 07:23:52 PM
I carried mine in the back of my V10 Dodge Ram for several years. Worked great. I don't have a photo of that on this computer. Then someone suggested the towing it with my MAX Wedge 63 Dodge would be really cool. A vintage style rail behind a vintage muscle car. I built the trailer in a week for peanuts. People seem to like it and it is much easier to load so I m happy. Oh yeah, BTW no frame in my 63 Dodge , unibody for those who worry about such things. I don't.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on August 13, 2014, 10:25:57 PM
I did see that Tim  :D Very cool! How long is your car?
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Tim Jones on August 14, 2014, 03:29:36 AM
It's styled after a 1958 Chassis Research car, 106 wheelbase
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Dolmetsch on August 14, 2014, 04:02:44 AM
That would be too long for me. I wouldn't be able to see the front wheels. Mine is 96.
So where do all the wire wheels come from? Can you get them for any spindle. (I have Chevy handy van spindles on my front axle) or just early Ford or Anglia spindles.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: PalliP on August 14, 2014, 01:44:35 PM
If you are in Norway the I think the easiest solutions and cheapest is to modify a boat trailer
Something like this.
At least this is the way I was thinkin about With my Project.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: JrFuel Hayden on August 14, 2014, 03:09:28 PM
DON, no not every spindle, but I have made/modified hubs to fit odd-ball spindles. Like Euro M/C side car wheels, Fiat spindles,  airplane wire wheels, etc.
I have an inventory of odd hubs that I may be able to fit your spindles.  I just made a set of wheels and tires for the "Super Snake" Don's 67' FED SOHC dragster, and I had the exact hubs, rims, and tires he ran on his car in 1967.
So if you'd like some wire spoke wheels on your slant 6, call me, 805-444-4489, and think about sending me one of your spindles, when you are ready for some "Down Time".
And once we have hubs that will work on your spindles, then think about what size wheels and tires you'd like, that will change the look of your Hot Rod.

Jon Hansen, Hayden Wheels.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: FEDNV on August 18, 2014, 10:36:39 AM
This is how we roll our FED to the track.  Trailer came with the chassis when I bought it but have done some upgrades.  You do get a lot of thumbs up when going to the track.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: probird on August 18, 2014, 11:09:02 AM
I noticed all the trailers use 1 set of wheels.
would it not be smoother for the bouncy fed if it were tandem?
Just thinking?
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: PSweeney on August 19, 2014, 03:59:36 AM
no way would I be towing a single axle with the car on forwards, all the weight is over the back end of the trailer which makes it tail happy. 
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on August 19, 2014, 04:31:16 AM
Would probably be better to back her up on there, and maybe relocated the axle on the trailer. But i still like the idea of an open trailer :)

Btw; was looking at a really nice homemade trailer this weekend, they used an old caravan chassis (similar to the one i was looking at), boogie axles, and enclosed. They built it out of waterproof plywood. They got a sponsor for the plywood, so all in all they paid only $1000 for it ready to go.
I forgot to take a picture of it. But they used it for a RED slightly longer than my car.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: rooman on August 19, 2014, 04:37:18 AM
no way would I be towing a single axle with the car on forwards, all the weight is over the back end of the trailer which makes it tail happy.

       if the trailer has the correct amount of weight on the hitch it will tow great with the wheels that far back. It is all about the balance of the trailer, the only time that it would be "tail happy" would be if you are drifting it around corners (and even then having the wheels that far back would make that fun as you would be able to hang it way out. Oops, forgot that you have those narrow roads over there  :)

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: rooman on August 19, 2014, 04:41:33 AM
I noticed all the trailers use 1 set of wheels.
would it not be smoother for the bouncy fed if it were tandem?
Just thinking?

If a single axle deal has the weight capacity it is probably better with a light race car/trailer package. Two axles mean more unsprung weight pounding up and down over any bumps and transmitting the shock to the racer car.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: mfp-66 on August 19, 2014, 01:55:37 PM
( (

mine on a open trailer. haven't got room to store a box trailer so when fed is in the garage, I store the trailer on its side beside the garage
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: PSweeney on August 20, 2014, 02:45:05 AM
no way would I be towing a single axle with the car on forwards, all the weight is over the back end of the trailer which makes it tail happy.

       if the trailer has the correct amount of weight on the hitch it will tow great with the wheels that far back. It is all about the balance of the trailer, the only time that it would be "tail happy" would be if you are drifting it around corners (and even then having the wheels that far back would make that fun as you would be able to hang it way out. Oops, forgot that you have those narrow roads over there  :)


they still dance about Roo, I've got the T-Shirt on this one.  Had a single axle with a slingshot on it get into a tank slapper at about 55mph due to the weight being over and behind the axle.  I knew I was in trouble when I saw the race numbers on the side of my slingshot in my side mirror  :(.  I managed to get it stopped and crawl to a petrol station to put the car on backwards.  I'm lucky it didn't jack knife on me.  I added a stabilising bar after that which really helped with the single axle as they float about in ruts created by trucks and get blown about in the wind.  After that I went to an old bus which took an altered in the back.  Only problem with the bus was no passenger seating, so I had my pal sit in the altered for the journey to the track  ;D.  We now use a twin axle trailer as it costs nothing to run and tows great on our narrow "Ye Olde English" roads   :D

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: rooman on August 20, 2014, 04:56:47 AM
 " Had a single axle with a slingshot on it get into a tank slapper at about 55mph due to the weight being over and behind the axle. "    That is the key Phil, you need to have the axle far enough back to put some weight on the hitch. My dad towed caravans (travel trailers for the Yanks) for nearly 50 years and never had a problem because he always made sure that the package was balanced correctly.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: DON on August 20, 2014, 05:57:45 AM
It is recommended that the tongue weight be at least 10-15% of total weight .So get out a scale to remove any doubt .
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Dolmetsch on August 20, 2014, 02:14:00 PM
I had to cheat on mine to get good tonque weight. I forgot even my short dragster has substantial engine set back. I made a Gas can support for the tongue from 1/2 inch steel and run to the track with a full spare fuel can . On the return I sub my spare water cans if the fuel one is empty. I brought me into the range where it is good. without it it is livable but annoying at slow speed. I should have put the axle back farther, even a few inches. However this was a practical work around.
other don
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Roger Walling on September 06, 2014, 02:23:51 PM
 Back in 58 we dident have much money so we scrimped on the steel.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: RacinJacin on November 01, 2014, 01:53:06 PM
Love my open trailer, but admit there are times when I wish it was enclosed - I had always planned on making it BOTH - just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: 30dodgeboy on November 02, 2014, 12:23:32 PM
My 144" wheelbase car when I had it on my 16' utility trailer for its first haul (short local trip).  Even though it was unfinished, people really checked it out as I was hauling down the road.  Now it is functional (they are never done) and I purchased a 20' enclosed trailer to keep the car safe and out of any bad weather, as it is a relatively long haul to the track I like to race at.  My enclosed trailer has cabinets in the front to store the necessary stuff out of the way and out of sight.  I wish my enclosed trailer could be made to tilt, as my FED has very little ground clearance at the engine oil I must use REALLY LONG ramps and also raise the trailer tongue.  The ramps must be parallel to the trailer deck to get the car in or out without bottoming.  If I were to ever make a trailer, it certainly would be a tilt deck like Jacins pictured earlier.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: RacinJacin on November 04, 2014, 07:22:46 PM
I've posted this elsewhere, but thought you guys would really appreciate it.

I reworked this license plate for my trailer.  If you follow the old 392's at all - you'll get it instantly. :-)
I added a sot showing what I started with.

Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on November 04, 2014, 10:53:53 PM
Wow RacinJacin! That trailer is awesome.
And the license plate is way cool. Are you allowed to use that? Or is it just for display.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: janjon on November 05, 2014, 02:14:55 PM
Jacin might be a bit too modest to post his you-tube functional video of his traile, hope I'm not overstepping here, I think it's way cool and functional.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: RacinJacin on November 05, 2014, 05:37:23 PM
Gasserx, No it's only for display. Did I mention I am occasionally VERY forgetful. <big grin>
Not a lot of people notice such things - but it's usually good for a laugh when they do.

Thanks Janjon, I have always planned on making this trailer a "convertible" in terms of having a enclosure. I have narrowed it down to 2 designs I really REALLY like.  I just have to pick one.  Both versions will be very reminiscent of a Mr. Ed style because I have always loved those - plus I tow with a small pickup (47 Ford) so for me less is more. I might sound like I've lost my marbles, but in one possible version it would be pretty much one piece and would pivot at the front - the problems with this design is: No access when top is on - (I store the car on the trailer in the garage. Next the rear section would need to fold a little to allow the whole caboodle to still fit in my 22' garage.  In the next possible version the trailer top would be 2 pieces. The front section would be stationary. The rear section would slide OVER the front. This would solve to problems- first it would allow me to leave everything in place and have access to the motor when stored in the garage - it would also allow me to have the angled rear - just need to slide it forward before backing into the garage - I am leaning towards this version as it seems to address more of my issues - although it might be a tad more difficult to pull off - sealing would be a slight challenge, but not (I hope) be impossible. 

These are the thoughts that keep popping up in my head..... to be continued. :-)
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on November 06, 2014, 01:04:12 AM
Wow, seeing that video... Super awesome. Looks great and lots of cool deatils. Even the color is great  :D
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: PSweeney on November 06, 2014, 01:51:14 AM
Gasserx, No it's only for display. Did I mention I am occasionally VERY forgetful. <big grin>
Not a lot of people notice such things - but it's usually good for a laugh when they do.

Thanks Janjon, I have always planned on making this trailer a "convertible" in terms of having a enclosure. I have narrowed it down to 2 designs I really REALLY like.  I just have to pick one.  Both versions will be very reminiscent of a Mr. Ed style because I have always loved those - plus I tow with a small pickup (47 Ford) so for me less is more. I might sound like I've lost my marbles, but in one possible version it would be pretty much one piece and would pivot at the front - the problems with this design is: No access when top is on - (I store the car on the trailer in the garage. Next the rear section would need to fold a little to allow the whole caboodle to still fit in my 22' garage.  In the next possible version the trailer top would be 2 pieces. The front section would be stationary. The rear section would slide OVER the front. This would solve to problems- first it would allow me to leave everything in place and have access to the motor when stored in the garage - it would also allow me to have the angled rear - just need to slide it forward before backing into the garage - I am leaning towards this version as it seems to address more of my issues - although it might be a tad more difficult to pull off - sealing would be a slight challenge, but not (I hope) be impossible. 

These are the thoughts that keep popping up in my head..... to be continued. :-)

very cool idea.  I'm thinking of the same primarily for access when garaged.  In stead of having the rear section sliding forward, you could have the rear top and sides and tailgate hinged and fold them forward.  Might be easier to seal.  Whatever you do please post a build thread here.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: LaneM on November 19, 2014, 09:31:20 PM
gotta say towing on a open trailer has some perks..showing the toy off and all..I towed a 55 chevy that way 3 years then got a enclosed trailer..ah alittle harder to strap down,harder to get out of the car,but perks are everything locked up,no problems with driving in rain,storage,full of lights so it is easyier loading at end of going rounds.The car is gone and now a 180inch fed now lives their..another great perk is I don't have to unload when I get home cause of the pine trees dripping sap in the driveway and no way would I leave it on the street overnight. My 24' weighs in around 3100pds and I pull it with a 3/4 ton van. You can find older trailers as cheap and beet up or newer for more $ but the pieace of mind of having everything safe and sound where you left it is priceless..and in the event major tie down issues arose where would your ride end up?Drawbacks,alittle more money and you cannt show and tell to fellow travelers..but hey that's what the track and a good run is all about..or part anyway..just my view..but hey..maybe I will look for a old boat trailer to convert so I can pull the fed behind my daily driver..66 el camino.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: ricci32 on November 20, 2014, 08:44:40 AM
Just picked up this vintage trailer for my vintage FED.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on November 21, 2014, 08:52:11 AM
Looks good, by the way I'm back home now from Florida 50 miles east of Buffalo
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: masracingtd1167 on November 21, 2014, 05:58:17 PM
Glen are you snowed in up there?
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: GlennLever on November 21, 2014, 08:21:11 PM
Glen are you snowed in up there?

No, the snow was very localized to Buffalo, we maybe have 2 inches on the ground. Drove through it with the Motor Home and trailer (small squall) It was interesting driving.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: Nightmare AA/FA on November 23, 2014, 09:01:53 AM
Just picked up this vintage trailer for my vintage FED.

That's a great looking trailer.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: gasserx on January 05, 2015, 10:54:04 PM
Finally found a trailer that can be used.
Old camper with dual axles, it will have 21ft long loading area when rebuilt.
And best of all, i only paid $100 for it.
To be continued... planning to tear it down this weekend.
Title: Re: FEDs on trailers
Post by: cj92345 on January 06, 2015, 08:00:54 AM
mine( (

old boat trailer