FrontEngineDragsters.Org Forum
Technical => Roo Man's Room => Topic started by: ricci32 on June 24, 2014, 05:49:54 AM
I just built a front wing for my fed. its 16 wide by 10.5 deep what is the ideal placement on the front of the car. looking at other cars some are mounted high others are low close to front axle and chassis. also what is a good angle.
I just built a front wing for my fed. its 16 wide by 10.5 deep what is the ideal placement on the front of the car. looking at other cars some are mounted high others are low close to front axle and chassis. also what is a good angle.
Take a look at this thread (
angle would be hard to say,well for me anyway. Speed,where its located(clean or dirty air) ,wing design and how much downforce is needed.All have big effect. I would start low maybe 2 to 4 degrees and move up a degree at a time and see how it effects handling,et and mph. Remember more angle more drag don't go so far that your slowing car down with ton of drag. On well designed wing theres a break point where drag goes up miltiple to downforce achieved.On my wing on the TA/D after 8* drag went up big time but downforce increase was about a 1/4 of drag increase. It also had down force at negative 2*.
We where running Alcohol Funny at Darlington and car was moving on top end.Added 3/4" lip at 15* to deack and car went straight as arrow and actually picked up cpl mph. It don't take alot at times.
How do you know if you really need a wing?? Lots of fast cars out there running without one. But they do look cool. Close to 18 years of running one on my car and I never once checked what the angle was/is. There is no formula out there for what is best for any particular car. You need to get the car out on the track to see what it does and make adjustments to that.
A big part is the cool factor would also like to place it correctly.
Whatever is right to the eye and start from there
A cool way to mount it (if you have a torsion bar, is to have it be an active wing that increases angle of attack as the front end rises. This was done on some of the old cars, and it helped balance the front end at speed.
To which if you have to follow the rules is not legal, all wings must be fixed
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