Yea Bill I was going to go the aluminum spindle route. Found deal on wheels and spindles 275.00 with the tires. I figure to swap them later on. Heck would believe that Parks told me that for bracket car the steel would be better.Yea Mr super lite himself. Guess he figured we race in corn fields around here.LOL
Think I'll go with the aluminum steering amrs and update spindles later. Right now it looks like car will come in well under 1600# with me in it ,so with extra cubes I might get to where I can be fast like you. Almost one cube per pound now that I think about it. Hemi may have aluminum block but billet heads,rocker shafts 22# and 4.5 crank make up for that little savings quick. Going to do some machine work on block in week or so.MAybe 5 or so pounds there to be removed ,Billet heads are worth some looking at also.
Friends think Im nuts when I get happy about removing cpl pounds from car. Civilians just don't get .
DREracer I would have to disassemble front end for pics right now and with my shop that means pulling front end out of corners of garage,but then same deal when I pull rearend,except its diaganol corner.Might get some later in week.