Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
OIL PAN KICKOUT worth effort?
We ran a Chry smallblock in or sprint car (410) . From Chrys they came as a Y block (Chevys are V), wound up converting it to a V by cutting the pan rail off and building a kick out dry sump pan--could not get the thing to rpm with the windage up inside the block. adding a kick out on a Y style block only adds oil volume to the pan.
Went on mopart site last night and found good amount of info or input on subject. Seems little mixed opions there also,did favor the kickout being benifical. Have yet to see anything that says it would hurt anything. Adding scraper to it was also very popular and seemed to help direct the windage into kickout better. A cpl did say they had dynoed with and without and found kickout to make more power.One said he had been working with a custom pan fabricator for while and everytime they added more kickout it showed increase,did not say if anything else had been done.
While I can see skirt hendring best performance gain I do not see how it eliminates it.Y block or V block they both have windage and do away with any or controlling it better has to be benificial.
Chris What about oil returns I know there are some gains in hp with this . One thing we are warking on with my friends Comp car is the cam tunnel . We closed off the bottom . Just thinking out loud !
I'm not sure I could close off bottom,still have babbit bearings not needle so I am feeding oil to cam. On returns I have plans for at least two.One end left rear has no return path from heads and others seem small IMO. I may go all four corners,might be over kill. I do have spray bars to hopefully help rocker adjusters live better.
I also fabricated a heat shield to go under intake,not sure if it will be issue with alky injection,which will cool intake anyway.Cool thing its super simple install and I might try a A-B-A test with it when cars running.
Bill thinking out loud is good I'm sure lots of things have been discovered that way.
Will try kickout pan for while and looking into accumalting enough parts for dry sump system.
I figure I can sale one moroso pan and Kieth Black billet pump to help offset cost. Dry sump worth power no matter what its on.Too many heads up cars running them and if not more power than the weight those guys would not have them on car. Question then will be how many stages and finding all the parts to build system
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