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OIL PAN KICKOUT worth effort?

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I'm working on finishing my oil pan for my hemi.I have a moroso made pan,but had to add starter and did not want to cut it up. After getting it almost finished I was doing some reading in R-M engine book about pans and designs. They claim 20 plus HP gain with kickout to help with windage.

   Now 20 hp is not earth shaking but hey its free power. It does show cpl hundredths and few mph,when run thru drag simulator program. I can add the kickout with some extra work very little cost. I have not finished inside anway and changing baffle and windage tray is not big deal.

 With the Hemi design block and the crank being up in it instead of hanging out bottom like chevy,I was wondering if kickout would be as efective at catching the windage off crank.Most info suggest kickout more effective the harder you spin motor.only makes sense. While I will not be alky dragster turning this one(10,000 rpm shifts) I will hit 8000 at times and shifting around 7500. Unless I get pissed and abused car because of light bulb screwup(hopefully age cured this).
 Finding info on kickout pan for Hemi is next to impossible. There are few thousand pics of BBC pans and not one that I found of hemi. Heck if had dyno I would R&D one with few ideas on diresting the windage some for kickout.

 Questions are. How effective?
                       Any design info and pics are worth ten thousand words with me?

Here is your clue to the answer---

Very few new ideas out there, everything has basicly been tried and flogged to death. Therefor if the design had ANY merit--- you could buy one already done

sure is a lot of them for BBC. Some guy named Newberry had one on his car back in mid 90's. Have chatted with half dozen or so who swear by power gain on dyno.
Most of the pand made for Hemi are for blown alky or fuel especailly on TFX blocks.  Found pics of pro stock engine with kickout but the where also dry sump.

 I found plenty on them for bbc and sbc,guessing other stuff also just not much on Hemi stuff. Going to see how one runs with it when cars done. I started adding it to pan today. If nothing else it does add more capacity and keep oil level down and away from crank at same time..

I'll keep searching.

Chris look at what some of the super stock racers are using on there Hemi's . I don't know if it will help you or not . I know on a small block it helps a lot 20 hp is 20 hp !

Been searching net for stuff. SS not big on telling power secrets. Pan would be obvious to see. Just Don't know anyone running SS. If had idea cpl weeks ago Charlotte 4 wide would have been great for research on subject.  Agree 20 hp for little work is cheap power.Heck if only 10 I'll take it.Horsepower is like weight it adds up.One piece might not make enough differance to show on time slip,but 5 of the same will. Im sure the 2.25 lbs. Im machined off caliper will not make any differance but added to 9 more items its 25 lbs.


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