Technical > Roo Man's Room

Making mid engine mount


I made a 1/4" wooden template. I have a 1/4" 6061 piece of aluminum. What's the best way to cut it out ..


--- Quote from: JeffV8 on May 01, 2014, 09:23:23 AM ---I made a 1/4" wooden template. I have a 1/4" 6061 piece of aluminum. What's the best way to cut it out ..

--- End quote ---

I use a battery powered saber saw and keep the blade lubricated with transmission oil to keep it from loading up.
I cut it a little large and then grind and sand and polish to the finial size.
Works well.

I use 1mm cutting discs for aluminium

Band saw....I use a regular Craftsman wood band saw with a 14 or 16 tooth blade. I even use the normal speed for cutting wood. Use WD-40 for lube. I have cut 3" thick alum with that saw and it works great!

Thanks for the help


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