Technical > Roo Man's Room

seat support requirement

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I have chassis about done and finalizing few thing. My seat has 1" bar across front(at uprights) and the rear rest on rear bars.This is raised seat chassis.The seat it self does not have any bars under the butt. Do I have to have them? Seat fastens to 4 places attaching it to chassis and upper section. If have to have are moly straps suffiecent.1"x .090? I may also be making carbon fiber one piece seat later. Oh yea building to 2.2c spec on everything else,so might as well meet it here also. Could not find it in specs but then I am bad about reading over stuff at times.

don't know about specs but I just cut out my seat straps and replaced then with 1" tube.  My rationale was that in a crash with multiple rolls and impacts the straps and seat pan could bend which would make my belts go slack.

There is noting in the spec but as you note a couple of straps is probably a good idea.



--- Quote from: rooman on May 02, 2014, 07:35:39 AM ---There is noting in the spec but as you note a couple of straps is probably a good idea.


--- End quote ---

Hey is that a fat joke? I lost 45 lbs so far. Man just not feeling the love any more. Now imagine dennis the mennis looking dwon pouting kicking across top of floor,why are all the trouble causing kids pertrayed as blonde kid?

 seriuosly after looking at it more cpl small tubes look like good idea little more support for my FAT butt,

I should have some photos of the Murf strap that I use in some cases but I have just had my old desktop computer reworked and don't have all the image files from it on my new shop computer--I will dig around over the weekend and see what I can find. In most of my "tall guy" cars the seat base sits on the lower rails where they bend to sweep up to the shoulder hoop but occasionally I raise the seat base up and in that case I use the flat strap for additional support.



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