Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Frame recert.
My car was checked but not tagged about 6-7 years ago. The bars were added but the car was never finished due to slow shops. I am curious as someone else said what bars were needed to re-cert? Pics of before and after please.
Only bars added to basic spec. for cars that needed a cert---
1" x .058 helmet bars around the cage
Foward roll bar hoop uprite for any old car that does not have an interior reinforcment sleeve inside the shoulder hoop foward of the front hoop to behind the foward seat uprite with visible rosett weld indicating placement. All new construction must have sleeve.
Both of these items have been around for many spec reserts
My car was built in 2003 and to my knowledge there have been no changes at all!
--- Quote from: Gold Digger on April 25, 2014, 08:15:25 AM ---this was posted on Yellow Bullit " I.H.R.A. will honer a N.H.R.A. certification tag and or competition license how-ever N.H.R.A. will not recognize I.H.R.A "
--- End quote ---
Our local IHRA track does not accept NHRA. I have NHRA as the races I travel to are NHRA, so I have both
Gold Digger:
Thanks Glen, I posted that to give everyone racing with the NDRL a heads up that all tracks that the NDRL race at were NHRA and a IHRA cert may not be accepted, Mr. Bruce must of interpreted differently ;D ;D ;D
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