Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

oil stabilizers/addatives


going Sat for my first TnT on car;;blown alcohol injected 540bbc;;have BRAD PENN 50WT in car..should i be putting a oil stabilizer in it like Lucas Oil/Heavy duty oil stabilizer? or do you reccomond something differant;;reason i said lucas is i think my local parts stores[auto zone and orally's]would have it..have no speed shops or performance shops close to get anything from

We had Brad Penn representatives at a club meeting this winter. I asked them the same question. They told me I was throwing my money away with the additives and the oil had high zinc in it.


--- Quote from: GlennLever on April 25, 2014, 04:36:49 AM ---We had Brad Penn representatives at a club meeting this winter. I asked them the same question. They told me I was throwing my money away with the additives and the oil had high zinc in it.

--- End quote ---


After all, the oil in alky/nitro engine needs to be changed very frequently anyway...


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