Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Newby here

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Blind Mule:
Hey another Ford dragster thought I was the only insane person to have one :o  Sounds alot like my new build where did you get the tunnel ram or did you use the spacers and use a 302 intake?


Yes, it is the 302 tunnelram with the spacers for 351W. I got it from someguys in Kansas. Leon and Steve (Lippy) Lippolt (sp?). They had used it and were running nitro too. They were in the 7,70's range et wise.  Donnie Holbrook (RIP) set up my fuel system for me.

Mike L in Ga

Blind Mule:
Mike where in Ga. do you live I'm in Ala about an hour from Montgomery on I85 next to Auburn University about 10 min. drive?

   Do the adapters work good or do have to modify them?


I haven't started the engine since building. Sent the car to the chassis shop, spent 4 years there. Brought it home and built the engine and transmission and then off to another shop. Ordered parts, tubing etc and it sat there for another year. I went last summer and brought it to where the pic was taken. Hasn't moved since.
The guys I got the set up from were using it on their car and were running 7.7's but they run big % nitro but with a 331 SBF (I think). Those guys tried to help me get this thing up and running but they were so far over my head and abilities, it wasn't even funny.
Steve (Lippy) and Leon Lippoldt from Kansas. These guys are big time, at least I think so. They go to March Meet etc and run with the nitro guys.
I live in Perry, Ga  About 90 miles east of Columbus.

Mike L in Ga

Blind Mule:
We race at Reynolds a good bit so your not to far away ;)


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