Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Flexplate shield - need blanket style

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Hey all,

I'm working on chassis cert and tech inspection on my FED that I bought last fall. I need a new flexplate shield because my current one is so old there is no date on it, and it has been modified to clear the top mounted starter on my powerglide.

So buying another new one and modifying it is out, as that will void the SFI rating. The local tech inspector said a blanket style will work as long as it's SFI rated. That should work just fine wrapping around the starter.

Anyone else run into this issue? Who makes a blanket style flexplate shield that can work (universally?)?

Any help appreciated!

I don't think anyone makes a blanket to go around your flexplate ! If you buy one new and modify it and don't destroy the sticker it will be good for 5 years.

No one will make a flexable flywheel sheild because it has to be sent out for testing to create a spec for it and that gets really expensive.
1--- consult with tech about gen reg 2.10 as reguards to VW/Porsche engines, its a longshot but worth a try
2--- use a mini starter bolted to the motor plate on the engine side either by notching the engine case or locating the starter under the head/push rod tubes.

I did the under the head on a rear engine VW dragster/powerglide by using a mini with the Ford adapter

Pictures of the issue would help

Was main reason or (partly) to select VW engine due weight (?) I'm guessing the fed and red was close to 800 lbs.  They must be in top ten lightest dragsters of all time.

I'll have to get it on the scales, but I believe is between 800 to 850 lbs without driver.

I have found Deist makes an SFI wrap. Local track says it will work (as long as it will fit). They said if I modify a steel one at all the SFI tag is void.


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