Thanks for the info. everyone.Glenn what about the tubing you used to the engine from the radiator ?
I have a 434, gas, carb. Combination ,so I can get together and make runs. Then look at changing to a alky injection set up.
Originally I ran a custom aluminum tube that coupled with a stock rubber hose but have gone to an AN fitting with a braided hose.
I'm was originally trying to be able to hot lap the dragster, but now am in the mode of being pulled back to the pits and using the setup to cool the engine, I can do a pit turnaround in 15 to 20 minutes.
Welded the fitting to the "stock" blower outlet

90 degree fitting puts the hose right where I want it

A lot of stuff to see here, right side of the picture you can see the black cloth braided hose coming off the fitting and going to the radiator.
Left side there is a small "burp" tank to get the air out of the system, a small line runs from the bottom of the tank to the water pump and at the top of the tank there is a small line that runs from the intake (highest point in the coolant system) to the top of the tank. When the pump is running there is a constraint stream of water coming into the tank from the high point (along with any trapped air) and the pump is constantly pulling water from the bottom of the tank.