Technical > Roo Man's Room

front axle alignment specs

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JrFuel Hayden:
 I hope not to alarm you, but are you aware the very newest those Avon's could be is 35 years old. Once an Avon rep saw a SoCal dragster builder was using their light weight motorcycle/ moped tires on 200+mph dragsters they freaked and went back to England and destroyed the molds. I tried to buy the molds but got a big NO.
So look closely at your Avon's, look for cracks in the tread and sidewall, there is a good chance they are cracked, and hard.
I, Hayden Wheels, sell some Avon tires, but ONLY for show/ cackle cars, NOT for racing.  We do sell new Avon "looking" rib tires that are not old.
If you have any questions, feel free to call 800-624-3803
Jon Hansen

Mine were feathered also. I thought it was toe in until I noticed they were feathered in the same direction. What turned out to be was, car would fade a little right, I would counter steer left but tires would mostly skid until about half track when there was enough weight to steer.

JrFuel Hayden:
So BK, you added 10 lbs to the axle, so you can steer it ?

 It already had 40lbs on the nose. I didn't want to add any more. I just lived with it. It would steer after 1/2 track or so.

"It would steer after 1/2 track or so."

FED guys are nuts...


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