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front axle alignment specs

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JrFuel Hayden:
So BK, you have never had to lift because your FED was headed for the wall or center-line ?
If so, I guess you don't need anymore weight.  How much do you think an extra 20 lbs would slow your car down ?
We added 20 lbs to our NHRA Heritage Jr Fuel car at a race because my tune-up gave us more power, only to have the driver lift because it was drifting.
Funny thing the car ran better ET's after we added the 20 lbs, and it went straight.
I know of a fast JrFuel team that carries about 80 lbs of lead on the front, but still set the A/ND record of 6.77.
Are you racing 8.60 or 8.50 brackets ?

Included is a picture of my mid 60's nitro Jr Fueler that I raced in the midwest for 5 years.

Never had to lift it wasn't darting around or making any crazy moves.
It wasn.t the ET I was thinking of it just didn.t seem right to put all that weight on the tires and steering linkage. I had 40 bolted on and there was shot in the front axel tube, I don't know how much. I'm sure it wasn't 80lbs. If I had put that much up there I could have left the line wide open and probably picked up 11/2 to 2 tenths.
It was Saturday night super pro class.
I didn't know anyone to get advice from when I was running it. I was kind of making it up as I went. 


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