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Fire System


We have abandon our trusty 355 injected SBC in favor of a 375 CID 6:71 blower combination. This change should take us from 5.00 to somewhere in the mid 4S 1/8 mile. We have ran a #5 FE-36 fire system but we need to upgrade to a #20 system.

I would like to stay with FE-36. I spoke with a local fire equipment company and he explained that the race car stuff is manufactured by each company. I found a few #10 fe-36 bottles but they have a "sprinkler" head on them. It's a setup used to protect the fuel cell area of round track cars.

My question is, can I have the heads changed to a cable pull head on one bottle and a pressure actuated head on the other? The shipping of pressurized bottles looks a bit $$. I am in central Illinois and am hoping a 200 mile drive to Chicago or Indy could produce what I'm looking for.

Thank you again. George Alewelt

Most F/C run a cable-pull and then a pressure transfer line to a phumatic head on the other.
One problem is that the firebottle companys have there own bottle head with different threads to attach the firing pin. A DJ bottle with not work with a Pheonix bottle accuator.

I stopped in and spoke with Tim Wilkerson before they left for Vegas. He uses Firefox Industries equipment. I saw the cable pull and pressure actuated arrangement. I prefer the FE-36 as I don't want to be concerned about the bottles freezing. I have been offered several #10 Safecraft bottles at a steal of a deal BUT they are charged and have a "sprinkler" head on the end of a braided hose. I would like to buy a cable pull head and a pressure release head and attach them to the Safecraft bottles. I got a quote from Steve Baker with part numbers for 2 -#10 kits but even at Summit Racing prices it's almost $1500. and I would need to add some brackets to that.

Good Vibrations ( shows a 10# system for $399. It is a 2012 catalog I'm lookin at.

Good Vibrations does not sell FE-36. I found a dealer in Florida that is offering free shipping and hazardous material charges. George

After getting an upgrade to steel line and replacing the 2-5' pull cabled to 2-15' we will see if it's a good deal.


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