Technical > Roo Man's Room

attaching upholstery

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I had a RED where they used adhesive backed Velcro all around the perimeter of the fiberglass seat. But I cant remember if there was Velcro on the seat pad. The back of the material was kind of fuzzy and that may be all there was holding the pad to the Velcro.

BK has the solution--Velcro is what the big show guys use. It also has the added benefit of stopping the upholstery from puckering between the attachment points which quite often happens with snaps.


You can buy just the male half of the snap without the screw and use a sealing type pop rivet to install---done it hundreds of times.

I have done plenty of retorations on 40/50 year old dragsters and on some of those I have had to replace the shoulder hoop because the attachment of another cage had damaged the tubeing surface enough to the point of needing replacment. I have rarely seen the corrosion problem you are alludeing to. Some cars I get have been sitting outside the barn in the snow for 20 years and those are problems. New tubing or a car that has been stored inside  not so much of a problem.
Hey this is your car and you must do what feels right to you

Thanks guys for the replies, and I think velcro will be the answer.   I appreciate the other options as well as a backup.  Progress continues.... got the steering crossmember made and tacked in tonight.

My only comment on Velcro is that it is not a sure thing. The carpet in my CJ-7 is Velcroed in place (from the factory). I am constantly pulling it apart, pulling it back in place and sticking it back down (the carpet wanted to move out of place)/ The soft top is snapped in place and once snapped stays in place even when driven 60 MPH down the road.

I think this might become a problem when you slide down into the seat.


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