Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Trans blanket

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I went with blanket because I don't think there is enough room for the big plate shield.  here are a couple pics the issue is the steering cross mount is real close maybe 1/2"
Please ignore the thin flexplate only shield as this is an old photo and it is now an ultra bell.

Raise the steering or go with a REID or JW case

do you know what the height addition with the shield?

You'll find the blanket follows the same profile as the shield when pulled tight, so theres very little to be gained clearance wise.   I had a Reid case in my altered because the shield fouled the area where the pedals wanted to sit.  The inner liner in the Reid case is a very nice solution but obviously costs more.  In my slightshot, I'm using a shield again but raising my pedals up.   

The whole topic of SFI certs for this stuff infuriates me.  The TCI flexplate shields are so thin it's unreal and I don't understand why an aluminium trans shield needs to be re-certified.  I could fabricate far better shields myself, in fact the UK MSA rules mandate SFI for engines where they are produced but allow self construction for engine where SFI stuff isn't.  I'd feel a lot safe fabricating my own. 

Just make a new steering box mount,cross shaft. Put a couple of inches of arc into the new bar. You  should be able reuse your  steering box mount . I did it nd it worked great. The center of the cross bar is raised up 3 inches or so.


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