Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
young kid, old soul
That's pretty cool about the name.
I've never tried true moonshine but I've always heard its a great paint stripper. :o
--- Quote from: Cajuninjector on February 23, 2014, 04:45:47 PM ---That's pretty cool about the name.
I've never tried true moonshine but I've always heard its a great paint stripper. :o
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well im gonna assume by your screen name that we may be on opposite sides of the Continent but if we every do happen to cross paths feel free to swing by the pit after racing. To beat the legal stuff i can neither CONFIRM nor deny that there may or may not be some 'shine' in the trailer
Nice hotrod 8)! A neighbor, who shall remain nameless, ran off a sample of afore mentioned "paint stripper" a few months ago. It proofed at 155 and I believe was as caustic as paint stripper. I grew up drinking the stuff but this was the worst ever. :o
--- Quote from: afaulk on February 24, 2014, 06:48:00 PM ---Nice hotrod 8)! A neighbor, who shall remain nameless, ran off a sample of afore mentioned "paint stripper" a few months ago. It proofed at 155 and I believe was as caustic as paint stripper. I grew up drinking the stuff but this was the worst ever. :o
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thanks for the comment. Yeah iv had a few different friends try making it in varies ways, some drinkable, some definitely not.
I almost forgot a little shameful plug for our team and sponsers, here is a little video I threw together at the end of last season. enjoy and share if you like,
Very nicely done.
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