Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Most of these older FEDs were built with a shorty glide and a coupler which means the engine is probably not out from the rear end far enough. Wicked wheelstand machines. With a full length glide
and a Q.D. coupler, this number would be about 42". Since it's not easy to move the engine around,
You might try moving fuel tank, battery, etc as far forward as possible(as mentioned above)and
look into that gear & converter. A loose converter will help control the starting line...I would say
about 5500 along with a 4.30 gear and don't leave on the wood. Transbrake the car about 3000
RPM...let go the button & stab it at the same time. Jus sayin...
Garlits was there and a real innovator. Wheelies are a crowd favorite but not a racers favorite when they're that high. Several good suggestions especially the full length trans. Some people run high gear only or a low enough (numerical) ratio to bog the engine just a bit off the line and let it really run out the back door. Less tire, letting it spin just a little can be a good thing too. Good luck and be safe! Allan Faulkner
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