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oil returns,valley tray and other small hp increases

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Some things to consider

 Yes, R-M showed a 50hp swing true but they went from no GP and a standard top ring to ports and a super lite tension top ring that offers reduced drag on the upswing exhaust stroke, and they were running gas and not alc.. gas burns as a vapor and burns complete, and alc as a liquid, and as such there is no complete burn of the alc within the combustion cycle and one is trying to push liquid into and through the gas ports.

 With running 10qts in a 10qt system figure about 2.5/3 qts all around the inside of the motor and 7qts below the baffle. Remove 3qts and you still have 2.5/3qts flying around and 4qts below the baffle.


 Im not 100% on the vac pumps.We put one on lil brothers dragster because everyone kept telling us how much we would pickup. Nothing not a .01 differance.His car is perfect bracket car it will not go faster I dp not care what you do to it.
 When I questioned a few folks about it .I was told well if you had tight ring package with very little to no blow by it had less effect. I can only assume those who found et gain had very low drag rings where as we had total seal gapless.We did have more drag,but then we apparently did not need vaccum pump to pull the crankcase pressure out of engine.

 I figure your buddy has low drag rings also. If so vaccum pump will probably add few horses.With comp cars everything helps and they do not pass up anything that might make a hp. Would love to run,also love to be rich enough to run that class.

 BAck to gas ports. WHile I do not own dyno. I do have 5 sets of pistons for this deal. I plan to gas port one and chenge them and see if any differance.No not back to back test. I should be able to get pretty close on conditions and see what change it makes. I appreciate the points made and they are good arguements. Still would like to try. Worst case I have 4 sets of pistons  for the two motors I have sitting here. If nothing else I am experimental Son of Gun(gottcha Glen you thought something else coming).This is why we had computer on TA/FC when most thought useless,had lean richening valves in 1990 when a lot thought just stupid for alcohol car. What are they all running now. Also reason I have shelf full of odd cams for hemi's. Have some with huge exhaust because it seemed a blower motor would need more exhausted to get  more incoming air into cylinder. IMO experimenting is big part of drag racing and part I love.

Chris something to think about is the ring itself . If you are using a 1/16 ring you may not see much with the gas ports . An .043 ring package first and second ring with a low tension oil ring about 11 lbs with a vac pump will pick up hp. If you plan on spraying it use a good tool steel ring like a total seal or xxxx fire for your top ring . I use the Total Seal gapless for my top ring but I don't see any real advantage to them just better leakage numbers.

 Most of these use .043 dyke top ring. I do have two sets that are .043 top . Have always used total seal and have not seen w reason to change. I will be giving them a call for cpl sets of there new tool steel rings.  It will have nitrous eventually. Going to get good handle on tune up first. Working out FI should be no issue deal.Woking out chassis hopefully be pretty quick.If not I'm going to kick the builders butt.
Actually have dual Nitrous setups one a little like your deal and one fogger system. Plans are  to mainly use the inner rail system and when go stupid fast and see how much we can destroy bug hits I can hit both,but will need whole different tuneup and converter before getting that itch gets scratched.

 Theres always the big whipple sitting there calling out to me.Nothing like 140# on top and 45 lbs boost to make things get crazy.Don't think I have lost it that much yet. Now a realy good 6-71 spinning 35 or 40% thats another story.

 Dang I should have been born rich. If those lottery idiots would pull the right numbers?


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on February 16, 2014, 01:18:44 PM ---.... IMO experimenting is big part of drag racing and part I love.

--- End quote ---



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