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Dragster seat belt mounts.


Hey  a question about shoulder harness mounts the car i puschased was owned by a much taller driver his belts went over the chassis hoop and over his shoulders which were above the hoop.With me in the car that upper chassis hoop is above my shoulder the actual seat belt mount is aprox 2 1/2 inches below the top of my shoulders but i will have to cut two holes or a slot in the seat to fit me. any suggestions.

Dont worry about it , shoulder harness is to keep you from going foward- lap belt keeps you in the seat. Also did you fit yourself with a driving suit? and Hans? the Hans will raise your shoulder hight about 1.5"

The shoulder belts should not angle down more than 20 degrees (to prevent compression of the spine). They definitely should not angle up away from the shoulder.

This  should explain just about everything including Hans (and similar) device applications.

There is also a similar package in the current issue of Grass Roots Motorsports magazine. May not be on the stands yet--mine came in the mail yesterday.


Thanks Roo This should be its own link to this site. most belts are installed improperly. I suffered severe injuries in a dirt modified crash 20 years ago. I was asked to drive someones dirt modified at the track jumped in the car it did not fit me well but was a top notch car so I was excited for the ride running in the top five jumped a tire flipped end for end 8 times two broken collar bones factored vertibra in my neck and back dislocated shoulders. spent weeks in the hospital and over a year recovering and it bothers me to this day. thanks again for the literature always looking for advice. thanks Larry


--- Quote from: rooman on February 08, 2014, 04:58:02 AM ---The shoulder belts should not angle down more than 20 degrees (to prevent compression of the spine). They definitely should not angle up away from the shoulder.

This  should explain just about everything including Hans (and similar) device applications.

There is also a similar package in the current issue of Grass Roots Motorsports magazine. May not be on the stands yet--mine came in the mail yesterday.


--- End quote ---

Thanks Roo:
Thats a nice PDF.


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