Technical > Roo Man's Room

wheelie bars

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--- Quote from: wideopen231 on February 21, 2014, 06:24:25 AM ---If jr fuel I guess I could see it.Small motor needs all the weight savings you can get.I still would not spend the money until I had done everything else to cut weight and make every ponie I could then I would go to what I call this extreme.

 Any one know what weight savings would be for say single wheel 3 bar 6' long wheelie bar?

--- End quote ---

Not including the wheel bracket and any mounting hardware (spuds/ clevis etc) the steel tubing comes in at around11.34 lbs and the Ti is 8.205 lbs so the total savings is probably going to be less than 5 lbs.


.003 light cost nothing and weighs "0" lbs

Roo and dre, From what I can see, 'yall must take lots of breaks to be on this site as much as you are, and I'm sayin that like it's a good thing... Jeez, to calculate weight differences and such and answer sometimes dumbass questions from me... I appreciate you guys.


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