Technical > Roo Man's Room

wheelie bars

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Van, I very sincerely hope you are not a statistic SFI uses to make change. George


--- Quote from: George on February 10, 2014, 05:07:28 AM ---Van, I very sincerely hope you are not a statistic SFI uses to make change. George

--- End quote ---

 OK George  I have given my idea on a safer way to install wheelie bars,  Why don't I see at least a drawing of your safer idea ?  I do not see two bars directly behind the driver as any safer.  I also hope that your idea doesn't become a statistic.

I see the two as lot safer. Odds are if brake they will split and go outward.This would leave me in the middle instead of the bar in the middle of me. JMO aqnd probably worth less then 2 cent.

 I am mounting mine with top 2 bars to frame rails right at kidney bars.Hopefully never to break but id something stupid happens and back end hits something and breaks them I figure they will be deflected away from me. I am running lower bar to center bar ,almost to rear end(high chair car) putting it on sam plane as lower frame rails/Using 1 1/8  mainly with sleeving and adjuster on bottom bar. Hoping that after get it tuned and weight where it needs to be I can basically run w/o bars.

Van, I bought our car with the bars as they are in the picture posted. They are about 5' long. I run them about 2" off the track. I expect the top rails to flex and with that the bars function is more than a travel limiter. In fact I may change the top rails to allow a little more flex. As you can see by the picture ,the car works pretty well when we are on a good track. George

I like the idea of the clevis instead of the side saddle mounted rod end, especially pointing at my back.    Thanks for all the input.


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