Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

Injection tubes

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--- Quote from: ss4 on February 07, 2014, 07:24:38 AM ---I agree the colors look nice.  I will keep you posted.  So Glenn are you saying you powder coat on the side?

--- End quote ---



Sand Blaster

The heart of the operation, gun control device and powder

wow nice setup.

I brought this back here as I thought people might be interested.

I have a really nice red called lollypop red that is the same tone as the red anodize that comes on AN fittings but very glossy, you want to lick it. I did some valve covers in it and I think I can get pictures of them (customer already picked them up). I have a color that looks like bare aluminum also glossy and several blacks.

I purchase from NIC industries who has 6500 colors Their samle of lollypop red does not do it justice

Guess I'm old fashioned, I just use Flitz on the stacks.

Thanks for the good thread and info her guys.  I have something that might be of use to othere who have posted here.

is there any formula or good reads on Tube Size for Engine Displacement/RPMs.  And is there any good reads on how to make them yourself?  I am running stackless on my racebike and was given differing opinions on what lenght tubes I need. Any clarity to be shed would be greatly appreciated.



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