Technical > Roo Man's Room

slip joint fed

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Blind Mule:
Just for kicks some of the Rear Eng. cars have front suspension would that work on a Fed also? Not talking about torsion A solid axle with the rocker or shock deal! Any of you chassis guys done it?


You mean like this

 Its on Tom Hannas car a piece of art work.

Blind Mule:
Yea I guess but this is more what I was refering too>


--- Quote from: Magic Mike Denton on February 07, 2013, 07:45:59 PM --- Alot of dorks hammer the ends of the tubes to make them fit on to the receptacle, ignorant!

--- End quote ---

I guess that Don Long is a dork then as that is how he did his front motor cars and they were probably the best engineered and constructed front motor frames on the planet. This is the front of Ernie Broughton's Commanche which is a Long clone but I used my real 69 Long as a template. Doing it this way gives the frame a little more vertical spread at the torsion bar and also wraps the rails around the torsion bar tube/ front cross member a little more.


Magic Mike Denton:
You can still wrap the upper and lower tubes around the front axle without hammering the tubes down. My way takes more time and effort. Excuses


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