Technical > Roo Man's Room

Steering turns issue

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The P&S box does not turn symetrical. The box it was designed after was offset mounted and they compensated the steering action with long and short ty-rods. The left side was slow because the ty-rod was short and quick acting while the right side was long(thus slow) so it had to be quicker.

I had a similar problem with my 175" FED. Turned right pretty good but refused to turn left. I found three things that fixed it. First I found the slot in my P&S box was tight on one end. A little grinding and polishing fixed that. Second the long steering link from the pitman arm was too light. It was 3/4" .058 tube. Turning right it was in extension and worked fine but turning left it was in compression and would bow down and wheels wouldn't turn as far. I doubled up the tube with the next size up and it fixed that problem. It still turned a little stiff. So I changed the caster from 30deg to 18deg now it drives like a sports car.

All three of my P & S boxes  must be different then as when I center the arm inside the box, turning the sector shaft until it runs out of travel turns the input shaft the same amount in either direction--starting at 12 o'clock it ends up at 10 and 2 o'clock. If the pitman arm is mounted at 90 degrees to the steering column rather than at 90 degrees to the drag link, that will have an affect on the amount of right and left lock depending on the angle of the steering column relative to the drag link.. Not having the steering arm on the spindle at right angles to the drag link will have the same effect. I did not pull the worm gear out of the box to check the helix on the worm but even it that varied from end to end it would simply change the steering rate, not the total travel.


it's 192" w/b. probably part of the problem is the caster. full turn flops the wheels right over. need another person to help straighten it out. will have to check the castor angle. it does needs the 2 footballs fields to turn around. ;D  other than that, its a fun ride.
will get my son to post some pictures.

If someone needs to stand the wheels up. You can bet it has all of 30deg of caster. That would be the place to start. At 150 mph I didn't feel 18deg of caster was a problem. Any faster you will need input from someone else.


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