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Steering turns issue

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our car has 20* and still layes the wheels over ;) but it backups nice  8) did have 40* (can you say broken wrist)


--- Quote from: hotrod316 on January 08, 2014, 07:07:14 AM ---our car has 20* and still layes the wheels over ;) but it backups nice  8) did have 40* (can you say broken wrist)

--- End quote ---

same symptoms but w/o the broken wrist. don't know if I can change the camber to help anything.

It is the CASTER you will be changing.
Camber it the amount the wheels tip in or out at he top.
Caster is the amount the king pin is angled to the rear at the top, or in the case of ball joints, how much the top ball joint is behind the lower.
Steve Walczak

 I used to watch the big show cars back up after burnouts and see some pretty alarming-looking front-wheel wobble. At the time I wondered why no one seemed to get all upset about it, just went on about their business and made the pass without the fronts falling off. Upon getting my FED bout 10 years back, and having the wobble thing happen to me I understood what was going on, that the caster that made it stable going forward did the opposite in reverse, especially if you let speed build and get too far from straight at the same time. "Oh-Sh*t" moment but no broken wrists or otherwise. So just keep speed moderate and no wild steering and all is well. It's not like I'm backing up from half-track, anyway.
 Just for grins, (not feeling the need for sh*ts), me and the kitten just went and measured the caster on my car, it reads 25' on one side, 28' on the other.
 Evidently, old-school thought was that more was gooder, seems modern thought might be that less is more, or at least that less is enough.
 Any expert opinions on what is optimum? And any relation to wheelbase or anything else?

castor, right. measured it tonight, 40*. hopefully if I can make it less w/o cutting anything up. just need a little warmer weather to start the furnace up. I have an old green house heater in my garage and it likes to burn fuel. :(


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