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Oil tank

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 I use the clear vinyl from home depot.
It is a pain but dreracecar is right on: Its cheap to change it and you can see whats happening.

--- Quote from: dreracecar on December 17, 2013, 08:56:04 AM ---
--- Quote from: ricardo1967 on December 16, 2013, 06:52:39 PM ---Can you guys recommend a type/brand for the 1" ID tubing?

Mine are made of clear plastic (Vinyl?) that gets very rigid after a while. It's a real pain to deal with it.

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Yes there is other things that one can use but tend to cost a lot more. Clear vinyl tube is cheap enough to change out every season for 10 years for what the other material cost plus clear gives you a visual indication of what is going on after the run.

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I also use Home Depot hose (the reinforced swimming pool hose)

Thank you guys! I guess I'm staying with the clear vinyl tubing then. I'll replace it, hoping a new one is less rigid than the my old ones.

Any recommendation on suppliers for oil tank?

Make one or have one made since every car is different. I bought mine at a swap-meet for $10, It was a puke tank for an old funny car that was too small for current use
 Unless you like the looks of it ,getting the reinforced hose has no advantages over the clear. Just be sure you find a supplier with the size you need and is at the beginning of the roll, if you get the end of the roll there is too much curl and the hose is flattened makes it quite difficult to work with.

DRE, thank you for the info and picture. That's a nice looking digger.

My experience with vinyl tubing of smaller diameters is that the reinforced clear vinyl hose was actually more flexible than the standard clear vinyl hose. The reinforced one wasn't as transparent though.


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