Technical > Roo Man's Room

starter and mag switch

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DRE ,what brand of shifter are you using with the solinoid mounted underneath?I can't read the brand from the pic . Thanks Don

There is no picture of my drivers compartment pictured anywhere.   But I will tell you that on my car I run a B&M ratchet shifter and it is mounted on top of my tailshaft housing between the drivers legs and I have rods going back the the R/E housing to a lever/handle. Since the action only allows one gear change movment at a time there is no way to skip over any gear change, no gates and levers to mess with,handle is alway in the same spot no matter what gear you are in.Opperates the same with either hand.

I have my shifter on the right side of my car . Chute lever on left and I made a small panel in the middle for my switches . It works well for me.

Paul New:
Here is my shifter and switch locations

Sorry DRE ,That was Coker's shifter that I want to know about.


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