Technical > Roo Man's Room

starter and mag switch

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When I first started racing I thought it would be a good idea to put my shut off switch on the brake handle . Hit it with my hand by accident and shut the car off . Moved the switch after that .Try to make your stuff easy to reach but not too easy . Once in a while it's a good idea to just sit in your car and just practice what would I do if something went wrong on a run and yes you can make car sounds if you want !!   

The only time (blown alc deal) my driver ever touches the switch is when I give him the nod after spinning the starter motor. we always kill the motor by pulling the fuel shutoff and starve the engine

"more cars shut off by the driver killing the engine by accident then the driver shuting the motor off during an accident"

Bet that's true. But I set mine up with a T-handle above the butterfly connected to an additional master cutoff switch behind the dash and downstream of the mandatory external one, punch it and it kills everything.
 Rationale being that it might be good to shut off ignition and fuel pump either during/after an event.


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