Author Topic: starter and mag switch  (Read 18675 times)

Offline ss4

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starter and mag switch
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:13:42 PM »
So currently I have my switches located off the shifter on the right side, but this tends to be a pain to reach with my left hand.  looking to change.  would anyone share photos for some ideas?  thank you.
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Offline COKER

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2013, 03:34:16 PM »
Hope this helps if not email me

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2013, 06:51:19 PM »
Hey Mike, we all miss you and your team at the track. Your character has touched some many souls like mine.

Shifter on the left hand side? Is that common? Is Troy lefty?

PS.: Man, what a clean car! I'm sure there's a button to press that does it all in 30 seconds. Not!

Offline ss4

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 11:19:34 AM »
some what here is how mine are.  I have them slightly tilted back say 10deg.  just not comfy. Looks like you have them setup facing driver.
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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 12:14:00 PM »
Whats going to keep your right arm from hitting the cover and killing the power???
Are you going to have enough room to pull your right arm back to activate the switchs or are you going to have to cross your right arm over/under to use your left??.

What a lot of you first timers dont realize is sitting in the car with street clothes is very different then when one is wearing a suit and helmet (plus safety gear) and strapped in. There is no feeling and limited head turning and visablity. Placement of controls should be done while the driver is fully suited like he (or she) is going to make a pass. A lot of racers complain about the peddles being to far away until they remember they were fitted wearing street shoes and not the raceing slippers they got for Christmas, mosty about 3/4" difference in the soles.

Another thing I do is to keep the driver suited up in the car for 45 minutes, if you get no complaints then the driver is comfortable, if he (or she) starts to whine about getting out, you need to fix it.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 12:17:51 PM by dreracecar »

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 12:23:43 PM »
DRE ,what brand of shifter are you using with the solinoid mounted underneath?I can't read the brand from the pic . Thanks Don


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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 01:19:55 PM »
There is no picture of my drivers compartment pictured anywhere.   But I will tell you that on my car I run a B&M ratchet shifter and it is mounted on top of my tailshaft housing between the drivers legs and I have rods going back the the R/E housing to a lever/handle. Since the action only allows one gear change movment at a time there is no way to skip over any gear change, no gates and levers to mess with,handle is alway in the same spot no matter what gear you are in.Opperates the same with either hand.

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 01:40:05 PM »
I have my shifter on the right side of my car . Chute lever on left and I made a small panel in the middle for my switches . It works well for me.

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 06:50:42 PM »
Here is my shifter and switch locations

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 06:21:18 AM »
Sorry DRE ,That was Coker's shifter that I want to know about.

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 06:28:53 AM »
Looks the same as Masracing just mounted on the left.  is it ProShift?
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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 06:38:50 AM »
Whats going to keep your right arm from hitting the cover and killing the power???
Are you going to have enough room to pull your right arm back to activate the switchs or are you going to have to cross your right arm over/under to use your left??.

What a lot of you first timers dont realize is sitting in the car with street clothes is very different then when one is wearing a suit and helmet (plus safety gear) and strapped in. There is no feeling and limited head turning and visablity. Placement of controls should be done while the driver is fully suited like he (or she) is going to make a pass. A lot of racers complain about the peddles being to far away until they remember they were fitted wearing street shoes and not the raceing slippers they got for Christmas, mosty about 3/4" difference in the soles.

Another thing I do is to keep the driver suited up in the car for 45 minutes, if you get no complaints then the driver is comfortable, if he (or she) starts to whine about getting out, you need to fix it.

dreracecar: I am new to this board however I take exception to your remarks regarding a newbie to building cars.  Now I sure was not around in the 60s but I certainly am smart enough to not wear my bathing suit and a pair of swampers on my feet.  so with that crap out of the way.

Correct I do have a concern with the switch location that I tempt in, this was the point of my question.   Looks like the solution that I am looking for is the cleanest way to mount straight forward over the axle.  I don't want to attach to the axle and I currently don't have any support close enough to reach, since I realize my shoulders will be strapped back into the seat.  so just looking for examples others have used.
if you need to Hate target Laziness

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2013, 08:20:15 AM »
Whats going to keep your right arm from hitting the cover and killing the power???
Are you going to have enough room to pull your right arm back to activate the switchs or are you going to have to cross your right arm over/under to use your left??.

What a lot of you first timers dont realize is sitting in the car with street clothes is very different then when one is wearing a suit and helmet (plus safety gear) and strapped in. There is no feeling and limited head turning and visablity. Placement of controls should be done while the driver is fully suited like he (or she) is going to make a pass. A lot of racers complain about the peddles being to far away until they remember they were fitted wearing street shoes and not the raceing slippers they got for Christmas, mosty about 3/4" difference in the soles.

Another thing I do is to keep the driver suited up in the car for 45 minutes, if you get no complaints then the driver is comfortable, if he (or she) starts to whine about getting out, you need to fix it.

dreracecar: I am new to this board however I take exception to your remarks regarding a newbie to building cars.  Now I sure was not around in the 60s but I certainly am smart enough to not wear my bathing suit and a pair of swampers on my feet.  so with that crap out of the way.

Correct I do have a concern with the switch location that I tempt in, this was the point of my question.   Looks like the solution that I am looking for is the cleanest way to mount straight forward over the axle.  I don't want to attach to the axle and I currently don't have any support close enough to reach, since I realize my shoulders will be strapped back into the seat.  so just looking for examples others have used.

I must apologize, I missed the tone of the response to the original posters question.

Having been through the "wringer" (and not that I an no longer a newbie), of being a newbie, on another forum and in fact that is the reason I am an administrator on this forum.  My vision is this is a place for knowedgeable persons to mentor us beginners so that beginners have a safe and enjoyable experience.

There are not many “Rules” that I would impose. However please no cussing, cussing just shows a lack of knowledge in the use of the English Language. You can express your feelings without cussing.

Be respectful of other members. Everyone has a right to their opinions, and a right to do it differently then you might. No camping on.

The advice offered in the location that is easy to reach while in a suit is excellent. Maybe the tone of the advice offered could have been more conducive to the education of us members of the board.

The advice offered would have been more meaningful with out the "What a lot of you first timers " comment.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 08:26:48 AM by GlennLever »
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2013, 09:45:01 AM »
Sorry for the tone, my mistake and should have left "you" out of the original post. The original thought was to give advise to others that were building their very first front engine car which by themselves are very different then anything else since you are sitting on top of the rear end . When one seeks advise it is imperative that all the info is fowarded into the original post along with  many pics.

  The instruction for others is to get all suited up and sit in the car and find out what limitations you have and go from there before placing the controls.

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Re: starter and mag switch
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2013, 10:06:23 AM »
Sorry for the tone, my mistake and should have left "you" out of the original post. The original thought was to give advise to others that were building their very first front engine car which by themselves are very different then anything else since you are sitting on top of the rear end . When one seeks advise it is imperative that all the info is fowarded into the original post along with  many pics.

  The instruction for others is to get all suited up and sit in the car and find out what limitations you have and go from there before placing the controls.

I agree, good advice.
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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