Technical > Roo Man's Room

Clutch Pedal

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The Lee car had the tabs for the 3-peddle deal but dont have any pictures of them running it.

I think you meen the MR LUCKY, the HotRod artical shows it clear enough although the picture is printed backwards

         the photo in Hot Rod is a little pixelated in all 5 copies that I have of the Jan 1970 issue (with the story on my Mr Lucky, later Soapy Sales car).
  At one of the early Bowling Green reunions I took some detail shots of the cockpit of the Assassin which was also a three pedal car (and red anodized too). Jim took the cowl off the car for me so that I could get a better view of the pedals for reference. Now I just need to find those photos. I checked with my connections at Source Interlink (formerly Petersen etc) and they still have not digitized all of the transparencies so the original is not yet available.
  I do know that the car was originally built with a push brake and the chute levers on the left but by the time it hit the track it had a pull brake and the chute levers were on the right.

Paul New:
I appreciate the replies, I assumed a bushed pedal would work for my combination.

Paul New:
Looking at the pics of pedals I am trying to figure out the geometry needed


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