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Clutch Pedal

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Paul New:
Looking into adding the clutch pedal on my dragster and am wondering if a bushed pedal is what I should use or do I need to go with the style like McKinney sales with Torrington bearings to take out all of the unneeded slack?

Murf's Torrington deal is nice but Don Long used bushed pedals for a long time and unless you have an unusually heavy clutch and marginal linkage geometry the bushed deal should work OK. Long doubled his aluminum pedal to make a large diameter boss and then bored that to install a bush for the pivot point.


9 years of alky funny and dragster and used pedal without either.Was mounted on stud the was thru tube with clutch pedal welded to it.Worked fine. Question how much money do you want to spend and do you need the bearing piece. I'm Sure its nice and super smooth.

File this under "not nesassary but wouldnt hurt to do it"

One would think that in a big show nitro car with all the clutch dust flying around that the needlebearing in the pivot would keep the action from gumming up and not for handleing load forces or it could be just away for the manuf. to squeeze another $30 out of you.

Roo in all the years I have known Don and have welded his peddles and brake handles,never once have I seen him install bushings or bearings in them so it could be an after thought of another builder/racer using Dons parts. The thing about Dons peddles and handles is that he heat treats them after welding to bring them back to T6 condition which along with adding material to the base gives enuff hardness and surface area that bushings/bearings are not needed.

        the clutch pedal in my car is bushed and it appears to be original as the anodizing if pretty much intact. I just pulled it off the shelf and had another look and a think about it and as this was originally a three pedal car with the cross shaft maybe it has the big hole to fit the shaft and the bush was added later when it was changed back to a regular clutch pivot. I need to search out my old print pix of the cockpit of the Assassin and see exactly what the three pedal deal looked like.



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