Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

home made tube shifter

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with mine you can have p-r-n 1-2 or p-r-n-2-1  the pattern is determined by valve body and trans linkage not shifter inn this case. Mine will be p r n 2 1 so I caN USE SHIFT SOLENOD  for 1-2 shift. For burn out Ill just push it into 2nd and hammer it,stop tist push twist push and will be in reverse.

I run a T400 with reverse pattern  P R N 1 2 3  We don't even try to hit  N  till after the car is stopped. Burnout's are in 3 or high gear, never an issue.

here my shifter, a perry shifter, powerglide, i just bump it and shift up...  and its all alum, 

Neil and Parks makes a real neat inline shifter that can even be shifted by a button.

N & P shifter: http://www.neilparks.com/chassis/shifters.htm


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