Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Hi from a British newbie.
MisteR Tee:
--- Quote from: mfp-66 on October 26, 2013, 11:55:05 AM ---Welcome to the forum Maurice.
I recognise the car from the pod must have been the early 90's
Thanks for the wheel nuts and washers they fit spot on.
--- End quote ---
Thanks Gary & glad the nuts were ok. Come & say hi, when you see me next year with the car (but make sure you tell me who you are!!) ;)
JrFuel Hayden:
I can build 16"x 2" Anglia wire wheels, but 16" is rare, do you have tires for the wheels ? New 16" tires are hard to find unless you are OK with Chen Shin uni-tread tires. 17" is allot more common and with more choices of wheels and tires, and is still period correct for FED.
Call me, 805-444-4489 [So Cal ], I may have something that will fit your needs and budget.
Jon at Hayden Wheels
MisteR Tee:
Hi Jon, sorry but I've only just looked back on here & saw your reply. I think we'd discussed this by email a while ago anyway, I managed to find (or rather, they found me!) a pair of original Goodyear Eagle Front Runners, 22 x 2.5 x 17" from another racer over here but I'm a bit confused as to what wheels they fit. Everything I've read so far says they fit 2.5 wheels but is that the overall width size or the tyre bead (well) size? Only asking as a motorcycle parts man was questioning whether his 2.15 x 17 rims would fit those tyres.
JrFuel Hayden:
The most common 17" wire wheels are 1.4" bead to bead [ well], and some are 1.2", 1.6", 1.85".
The Front runners will not bead-up on the 1.2", and are difficult to bead-up on the 1.4" matter-a-fact most race tyre guys will not try to mount front runners on wire wheels. I have found I can mount them on 1.4" rim with some mods.
I have not needed to mount front runners on anything wider than 1.85" wide rims.
The issue is getting the tyre to completely bead all the way onto the rim. If you just pinch the beads of the tyre to 1.4" you will see there is not much "elbow room" for the inner tube to press the beads all the way onto the rim.
An option is use a 1.6 or 1.85 rims, however those wide rim are no longer made. Hayden Wheels does have some Akront and Borrani 1.6 and 1.85" wide 17" rims in stock.
Feel free to Email me with any questions, jchansen60@gmail.com
MisteR Tee:
So, do you think they will mount on 2.15" rims? I have a pair of them now & one 1.85" & will continue to look for another one.
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